How many more of them were out there? Justice wondered. And on the heels of that thought, came another. When his sixth sense kicked in, Justice suddenly suspected that something greater was at stake here.
“Tell me where you need to go,” he said softly.
“You guys are so fucking stupid!” Fisher snapped as if totally out of patience, and pain swept into the depths of those beautiful eyes.
“What? I’m not following.”
Tucking his gun away and as if exasperated, a half laugh, half snort full of agony bubbled out of Fisher.
“Do you honestly think that you all made a fucking difference?” Fisher waved his hands and glared at him.
Fisher gave a disbelieving sob and sent his fingers raking through his hair before yanking out a hair tie from his pocket. Slender arms lifted as he gathered up the long strands to secure at his nape.
The brief move exposed the long, jagged scar that ran along Fisher’s forehead almost hidden in the hairline. Justice had seen it and the others that riddled the slender man’s body.
“Difference about what, Fisher?” he probed.
“You guys rode in on your fucking white horses and saved nine victims from Solomon. But did you ever stop to think of how many more of us are out there?”
Fucking Solomon.
Justice’s stomach clenched.
“I heard that Cash gave Real and Dave all of Solomon’s locations.”
“So what?”
“I know for a fact that Real and Dave have been searching for previous victims that still remain on the streets.”
“And you seriously think that Solomon didn’t have help? It’s fucking naive.”
Justice’s breath caught.
“Did he?”
Fisher glared and Justice spotted the sheen that suddenly hit those beautiful eyes.
His mind raced at the implication.
Solomon had a partner…
Or was it partners?
Like Blue, Crow, and Tanis?
Were these new players in town old ones rearing their ugly heads?
“So, you’re saying that Solomon had partners?”
“Is it Blue? I know he runs with Crow and Tanis,” Justice said, trying to get Fisher to open up.
The man looked away, but Justice saw the truth briefly flash in Fisher’s eyes.
“What are they doing out there, Fish?” he whispered, taking a slow step closer, he needed clarification.