Page 4 of Agony

“That was his partner.” Justice gave a nonchalant sweep of his hand to the other dead guy.

“And you know that, how?” he asked, letting annoyance seep into his voice.

“Makes sense.”

“Your sense and mine don’t jive.” He wiped his blades on the mark’s shirt, tucked his swords away, and stood.

“Birds of a feather and all that.”

Fisher rolled his eyes.

Two weeks. He clung to that thought.

That was all the time they’d been allotted as partners.

Their boss, Commander Savage Markel, had given them two weeks and then they would reassess the partnership.

Two weeks were up the day after tomorrow.

And he still hadn’t decided what to do. He’d probably end it, though.

Going it alone was better all the way around.

For everyone.

And it wasn’t like he felt crowded by Justice, because he didn’t. Out of all the people Savage could have paired him up with, Justice was probably the one and only person he wouldn’t end up killing.

Then why go it alone?

He was the problem, not Justice.

He cherished his freedom more than a normal man and that was because of his past. A past he refused to talk about.

Justice didn’t like that he didn’t talk about himself much. But honestly, there wasn’t all that much to say. Plus, the reality was that he couldn’t remember a lot of it.

That was a fact.

And his memory loss wasn’t something he was going to share. Not even with Justice.

It was better they finished out the next two days and called it quits.


It took him a moment to realize Justice had called his name and probably a few times.

“We ready?” he said to cover up the fact that he’d spaced out.

“Text the cleaners?”

“Oh, yeah.” He lifted his phone and shot a text to the number that would have a team here in less than fifteen minutes. Usually sooner, but never later. If they came any later, then there was a good chance law enforcement would arrive first. When the cops and cleaners happened on the same crime scene, it was never a good thing and as far as he knew, it had never happened. Or if it had, his boss’s boss’s boss would make it all disappear.

It was nice to have people in high places, and the order of assassins they belonged to answered to a very powerful man.

“Fish!” Justice hissed. “Let’s go.”

“Yup.” He snapped to and hurried to their exit.

It was never the stairs or the elevator, an exit was always an alternative unless he was out of time and then anything went.