I down my shot and smile at him. “I ain’t so sure it’s like that man. I mean, I ain’t exactly the settling down type, but I will say this, don’t fucking ever call her a bitch again or I will gut you,” I threaten.
Mammoth just throws his head back and roars with laughter. “Brother, take that head from out of your ass. Rip was never the one-woman type, now look at him. None of us were, but things change and when a woman comes along and she makes you question yourself, then you know for damn sure she is the one,” he preaches.
“I hear you, but she is so far removed from the world. Let alone our fucking world. She doesn’t even know how to kiss, let alone how to fuck.” I sigh.
“Then, brother, you teach her. I thought this would be your ultimate fucking wet dream. You have an untouched pussy, one that you can claim as only yours. Like your own little private island that you get to visit and enjoy any fucking time you like.” Mammoth laughs.
I laugh. “Fucker.”
“Well, I say that, man, but you know the women are the ones in charge, so before you hit up that private island, you gotta earn it.” He laughs, slapping me on the back. “Now come on, let’s get to church.”
I get up and follow him, Mammoth’s words bouncing around my head. To teach her, for her to be only mine. Fuck if I don’t like that idea a lot.
* * *
“Dreads is joining us shortly, but before he arrives let me say this… We need a vote, it’s an important vote. And for what we are voting we need Dreads’ men and their power right now if we are going to take on this cult and whoever else is behind it. I trust him, he has always had our back in the past, I respect him and there is no reason why you shouldn't either,” Rip warns.
We all nod. A moment later Dreads walks through the door. His powerful presence fills the room. He greets Rip and they both stand at the head of the table. Dreads opens a folder, emptying the contents on the table and photographs scatter everywhere. I pick some up, looking at them, women and young girls all dressed like Talitha. There are numbers on the photos and a starting price. My blood boils with rage and my stomach turns with disgust.
“What you're looking at is an auction that is happening this weekend. All of them from that cult, all of them to be sold to the highest bidder across the border. Now unfortunately, we can’t save them, but we can fucking destroy whoever is behind this and stop them doing it in future. My men are all in with this and not only will we be taking these sick sons of bitches out, stopping them trafficking women, but also their gun trade which will then become ours. Meaning that, between the Satan’s and us, we will have sole control of all weapons sold in Texas state and across the Mexican border.” He looks to Rip; Rip gives him the nod and he continues. “My men have been watching the cult’s community, they have checked the entire perimeter and it is guarded tight. This isn’t going to be easy; we aren’t planning to hit them yet, we need more information first, and I would rather not see my men killed, and I am damn sure your president feels the fucking same,” he states.
Rip braces his hands on the table. “We’ve got four weeks from today, that’s it. We know they have a big shipment coming in then. We are going to take that shipment, then take them out. In the next four weeks, we build up all the information on them, I don’t want no surprises, I want us to be prepared…” Rip pauses and looks around to all of us. “Now we vote. This isn’t going to be easy and it ain’t going to be over quick, but it could potentially mean killing some sick sons of bitches, and in the end lining all y’all fucking pockets, so what do you say?” Rip asks.
We don’t even need to think about it as each and every one of us votes in. We all saw what Red went through, and even without the gun trade we would all still vote in. Nothing will bring us more joy than ridding the fucking world of these sick fucks.
Rip looks to me. “You get her talking and you do it now. I'm getting tired of waiting; she knows something, and we need that information.”
“I'm fucking trying,” I snap back.
“Well try fucking harder. Since when have you ever had a problem with women? You’re a fucking don Juan!” Rip goads.
“Since he fucking likes her,” Mammoth adds.
“Fuck you!” I snap back.
All the brothers––including Dreads––laugh. I storm out of the room. Fuck this and fuck them. I ain’t no pussy-whipped little bitch. I have never been controlled by a woman and I sure as shit ain’t gonna start now. I walk around the club until I find a club bunny and grab her by the elbow.
“Hey, baby, why the rush?” she asks, trying to keep up with me in her high platform heels.
I pull her into my room and she smiles coyly at me. I don’t waste anytime unbuttoning my jeans. “Take off your panties and get on your knees,” I demand. She does, no questions asked. I stroke my dick, looking at her fine round ass in the air, waiting for me, and I slide a condom down my length.
“Oh, baby, I can’t wait to have you fill me, I have missed your––”
“Shut the fuck up, no talking,” I snap as I slam myself inside her. She moans, her words dying in her throat. I move my hips, fucking her hard, slamming myself deep inside her, and she moans, making irritating high-pitched noises. “Shut up,” I grit. I close my eyes and continue fucking her. Talitha comes into my mind, the feel of her lips, the way that dress clung to her damp body. “Fuck.” I groan, feeling my orgasm build.
“Hmm, that’s it, baby,” the bitch purrs. My eyes shoot open, and I stop immediately. “Oh, don’t stop,” she whines. I rub my face and grip my hair in frustration.
I step back. “Get the fuck out,” I mutter.
“But, baby…” She goes to protest.
“I said. Get. The. Fuck. Out,” I growl angrily. She huffs and grabs her clothes off the floor and storms out. I take the condom off, chucking it in the trash, walking straight to the bathroom and turning on the shower. I stand under the hot spray, my dick still hard and aching, and not for just anyone, but for her… Talitha.
I wrap my hand around my shaft, moving my hand up and down. I close my eyes and imagine her laid bare before me, her big innocent eyes watching me as I fuck her. I imagine how sweet her pussy tastes and I imagine her calling out my name as she comes. That is all it takes as my orgasm hits.
“Fuck.” I pant, letting my head fall forward under the spray. What the fuck has she done to me? I haven’t had a wank over a woman since I was a damn teenager.
I finish my shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and walking out to find Rip sat in the chair, waiting for me. “Are you fucking here to perv or what?” I ask.