Page 7 of Sinful Secrets

I think it over for a moment, feeling the sweat continue to trickle down my back and I relent. I nod and he smiles. “Good, Bambi. Come on, I will show you where the bathroom and bedroom is,” he states, leading me into the bedroom. My eyes go wide as I look around for another door. “Keep looking, there is only one bedroom here, and believe me, I ain’t sleeping on that damn couch either, so suck it up, we are sharing but don’t worry, I shall be a perfect gentleman.” He winks, opening another door to the bathroom. “I will leave you to it,” he says before closing the door behind him.

I walk to the bag that’s open and peer in, pulling out clothes packed for me. I pull out a summer dress and some clean underwear. I peel my woven gown off me and step into a cool shower, moaning as the spray hits my hot skin, cooling me. I find some soap and shampoo, and there is a razor on the side. I know it’s a razor as Father has used them before. Father forbade me to use it, saying only harlots shaved their bodies to attract and tempt God’s men. I bite my lip. As Khan said, I'm not home, and I've always been curious. I pick it up and look at it, putting soap on my hand then spreading it over my legs. Father uses a cream for his beard, so I guess this will have to do. I take a deep breath and glide the razor up my leg.

I smile to myself at how smooth my leg feels afterwards. I do the other leg a little more confidently this time. I shave my under arms too. “Just wait until I tell the sisters.” I smile to myself. I feel a missed bit on my calf, so I bring the razor to it. There’s a loud knock on the door which makes me jump and the razor nicks my leg. “Ow!” I yelp.

“Everything alright in there?” Khan yells through the door. I don’t answer. “Stupid fucking question to a woman that’s stopped fucking speaking,” he says to himself.

I turn off the shower and step out, drying myself quickly and getting dressed before he comes in and sees me naked. My leg stings and I notice the blood running down it. I wince and open the door.

“Oh go…” Khan pauses as his eyes sweep my body. I follow his gaze and look down at myself, wondering if I'm not appropriately dressed. He swallows. “You look, er, good,” he states. I nod my thank you in acknowledgement. He frowns and kneels to the floor. “You’ve cut yourself,” he states, looking at my leg. Before I can do anything, he picks me up and carries me to the kitchen, placing me on the counter. He opens a few cabinets, looking for something which he eventually finds… a box. He opens it and runs a cloth under the tap before he kneels down in front of me, his hand cleaning away the blood.

“First time shaving?” he asks, and I nod. He smiles and reaches for a plaster which he places over my cuts and gently and soothingly strokes my leg. “There, all better.” He smiles. He helps me down off the counter and offers to make us some food. I take a seat on the couch and wait, watching him. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to get rid of some of the knots. Suddenly there is a hairbrush in front of me. “I find this makes brushing your hair a lot easier.” He smirks. Nodding, I take it, brushing my hair. He brings over a plate loaded with food and switches on what I know is the TV.

I have never had one, and there is only one in our entire community. Father Isiah has it, he records our prayers and our punishments. If we ever in doubt about our community or question him, he will take you into his private chambers and remind you of what God’s wishes are.

“Here, we will start you off with some comedy, I'm guessing you don’t get to watch many movies back at Cult HQ?” He winks, taking a bite out of his sandwich. I pick up the sandwich and take a bite. It’s delicious, so I take another large bite.

“Woah, steady, it’s just a BLT with some mayo. You never had it before?” he asks, shocked. I shake my head in response and shove more in my mouth. “Well, Bambi, brace yourself because your taste buds are about to come alive.”

We sit watching a movie, it’s called The Pink Panther. I can’t stop laughing, watching all his mishaps. I turn and see Khan watching me, a soft look on his face. I bow my head in embarrassment.

“Don’t do that, don’t stop enjoying the movie. You’ve really never watched TV before, have you?” he asks.

“No,” I whisper, keeping my head down. I feel the couch shift.

“Look at me, Bambi.” I look to him, kneeling in front of me. “I didn’t have a lot growing up, I know what it’s like to go without for different reasons. But I get it. When you realise there are good things out there, great things, whether it’s eating a BLT for the first time, watching a movie, eating steak or… shit, just wait until you have your first orgasm. Because I'm betting you ain’t never experienced one of those.” He pauses and I frown in confusion. “Yeah, by the look on your face that’s a definite no. What I'm trying to say is when you experience the world, you will realise that the world you were raised in––kept captive in––isn’t all there is to life. There is so much more, and I'm going to do my damn best to show you. If you will let me?” he asks.

I look into his vibrant blue eyes and nod. He smiles wide. “There is one catch, one rule,” he states. I bite my lip nervously. “You have to speak to me because how am I going to know if you don’t like something?” he states. I don’t answer. “Bambi, you just spoke, and you spoke to me last night, I just need more words from your mouth,” he coaxes.

I swallow. “Okay,” I say softly. He smiles even brighter.

“Good. Now, tell me, is there anything you want to do?” he asks. I feel my cheeks get hot. “Ah, Bambi, I know I'm a hot guy, but I don’t think you're ready for my lovin’ yet.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I shake my head vigorously and he laughs. “Alright, calm down, I get it, it’s a no. So, what is it you want?” he asks.

“Chocolate?” I ask quietly.

“My Bambi wants chocolate, hold tight.” He stands and goes through the fridge and comes back with a bar. “This is the good kind of chocolate, it’s from Europe.” He breaks off a piece, handing it to me. I place it in my mouth and moan at how delicious it is. “Well damn, make those sounds again and I'm about to come in my pants like a damn teenage boy,” he mutters.

I don’t comment, I just hold my hand out for more and he passes me another piece. “This is the most amazing thing I have ever tasted.” I smile and he smiles back.

Khan’s cell rings and he stands and walks out to the front of the cabin. I reach for another piece of chocolate. Watching him through the window, stood with his hand in his pocket, I can hear him on the phone.

“Yeah, she is good, slowly talking. No, I haven’t, she ain’t ready for Vlad the Impaler, damn well scare the shit out of her.” I swallow the chocolate feeling nervous at what Vlad the Impaler is. A torture device? He continues talking. “Yeah, okay, man, keep me updated, you owe me for this,” he says before disconnecting and walking back in. I quickly turn around, so he doesn’t know I was listening.

I am going to have to do extra prayers tonight for my sins. I just hope that Father Isiah forgives me when I return.

Chapter Five


It’s been four days since I got her to talk to me, and she's barely said a word since. I thought I had made her relax a little to talk, but it’s like she's too scared to say anything.

I call Rip to give him an update.

“Any progress, brother?” he asks without greeting.

“Hello to you too,” I mutter sarcastically. “And no, nothing as yet. She barely speaks, only ever answers questions when I ask her what she wants to eat. Honestly, I would get more conversation out of a blow-up doll. In fact, if I had one of them at least they would be useful for something,” I complain.