“Yeah, well, I'm about to make the most of it, fuck knows how long I will have to be without pussy,” I grumble, walking over and hooking my arm around Shelby, leading her down to my room.
* * *
The next morning I pack up my shit and head to the kitchen for a coffee. Trudy is in there with Raven, loading up a large cool box. “Hey, honey, just loading you up with some lasagnes, chilli and meats to keep you going a while,” Trudy states as I kiss her cheek.
I pour a coffee and take a sip. “Thanks,” I mutter.
“I have put in the truck some boxes and magazines for Talitha, plus you have the DVDs up at the cabin.” Raven smiles.
“Yeah, great, no cable and twenty year old DVDs with a woman that feels the need to pray every five seconds and thinks everything is a sin,” I mutter sarcastically.
“Hey, give her a chance. You can educate her otherwise. Don’t scare her though, and you keep your dick in your pants,” Raven warns.
I roll my eyes. “I will be a goddamn monk. Happy?” I pause. “Anyway, I get good reception there on my cell, so I can at least watch some porn.” I smirk.
“Boy, you better keep your dick in your damn pants!” Trudy chastises.
I laugh. “I promise, Trudy, I shall be the perfect gentleman.”
The prospect sticks his head through the door. “All loaded up for you and ready to go.”
I sigh, placing my cup down and picking up the cooler. “Thanks, ladies, see you around,” I say over my shoulder and head to the truck.
I get in and they bring out Talitha with her hands tied and a pillowcase over her head. I feel my anger boil at how they are treating her. “What is with the restraints?” I snap.
“She's a flight risk and we can’t risk her seeing where you're going,” Mammoth states, lifting her into the passenger seat next to me.
“Why aren’t you putting her in the back?” I ask.
“Because you can keep an eye on her here, lock the doors and drive safe, brother.” Mammoth winks.
I flip him off and he laughs. I lock the doors and pull off. It takes around an hour to reach our cabin, and when I know there isn’t any signposts to give away our location, I pull the pillowcase off of her head. She squints from the light.
“There, you can look out the window now, you don’t need that shit on your head,” I state. She doesn’t say anything, her eyes wide, taking in the scenery as we pass it.
I turn up the music and tap the steering wheel to the beat. “You like music? Have a favourite song? Or in your case Hymn?” I ask. She doesn’t answer, she just stares at me. “I do,” I answer. “Favourite film?” I ask, trying to make conversation. “Of course you don’t, you’ve probably never seen a TV before. Shut up, Khan,” I mutter to myself. “Damn, I can see this is going to be fun.” I sigh. “Damn, they better have packed me beer.”
I pull up at the cabin and turn to her. “There is nowhere to run, you do, and the wilderness will kill you. I'm trusting you,” I state, cutting her restraints. She just looks at me all doe-eyed.
“Come on, Bambi, let’s get this shit inside,” I say, jumping out of the truck.
Chapter Four
He let me be free, I could run, but he said I would die. He opens my door and I step out of the truck and breathe in the fresh air, closing my eyes, feeling the warm summer breeze across my face.
I look around, nothing but fields and woods surround us. The small cabin looks cute and welcoming. I walk around the back of the truck, grab some of the bags and lug them up to the cabin, following him.
As I enter, I look around at the living area with a small kitchen to the side. It’s simple, rustic and homely.
“Here, let me take those,” he says, taking the bags from me. “My name’s Khan, by the way,” he adds, walking off to the bedroom. I don’t say anything, I walk back to the truck and grab the cooler. It’s heavy, and I shuffle towards the cabin, huffing and puffing. Khan comes running out of the cabin looking panicked until his eyes land on me. He thought I ran. His eyes drop to the cooler, and he walks over, taking it from me. “Let me take that, it’s loaded with food,” he adds.
I follow him back inside; he places the cooler on the counter and opens the fridge, unpacking it. I stand, unsure of what to do. The cabin may be cute, but it’s a really hot day and all I want to do is open the windows and doors. I can feel the sweat pouring down my back.
Khan walks over and hands me a bottle of water. I practically snatch it from him and down the entire thing. “You're struggling in this heat, huh? Especially with what you're wearing. Why don’t you go have a shower and cool off? Flo packed you some clothes that will keep you a lot cooler,” he suggests.
I don’t move and he sighs. “Look, I know you wear this dress when you are with your cult, but you ain’t there now, you're with me, it’s hotter than hell and this place doesn’t have aircon, so I suggest you get over any hang ups you might have and go shower and change. Or risk passing out from heat exhaustion. It’s your choice,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest.