“Make sure you eat that up, Bambi, can’t have you fainting on me.” He winks.
He moves around the cabin, clearing up the dishes from the night before, and my eyes follow him. “Club is coming up for a visit and bringing some more supplies, so it ain’t going to be a quiet day, thank fuck,” he mutters under his breath. I immediately feel hurt by his comment and look away.
“Oh shit, Bambi, I didn’t mean I don’t enjoy your company, I do, it will just be good to see my brothers,” he adds.
I give him a small smile and continue to eat my breakfast.
It’s not long after the loud rumble of bikes approaches and Khan’s face almost lights up as he swings open the door enthusiastically, smiling with his arms out wide. I can see that they are everything to him, they are his family as he hugs each one of them. There are some women too, and one who is wearing very little squeals and jumps into Khan’s arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him. I feel an uneasy feeling in my stomach from watching them.
“Hey, girl, how are you doing today?” Rose––one of the biker wives––asks, pulling me in for an awkward hug. She turns and looks in the direction where my gaze is aimed. “Yeah, I know, it’s disgusting, but we had to bring the boy a little treat. Poor boy has never gone this long without getting his leg over.” She snorts. “Come on, let’s get this shopping unpacked and then get a nice strong drink,” she says, taking my arm and pulling me inside. I look over my shoulder at Khan carrying that woman away from the cabin. I feel a sort of pain in my chest.
“Oh, I see, you like him,” Rose states. I look to her confused.
“He, um, seems like a nice man,” I say quietly. She throws her head back and roars with laughter.
“Khan? A nice man? Oh bugger me, my sides hurt.” She laughs, holding her stomach.
“I-I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I apologise. She stands and wipes her eyes.
“Oh, honey, it’s so nice to hear you talking again, but I see we still need to teach you some things and I can’t wait to be the one to do that. Come on, as soon as the shopping is away, we can have a beer.” She winks.
I have never been allowed beer; I have never tasted it, only seen it when I was at the club, so I am intrigued to see what it tastes like.
I notice there are a few of the club men. One I know is the leader, who Rose is married to, because he keeps grabbing and kissing her every time she passes him. There is the odd looking one with large eyes and one that’s huge, the one that knows of my home, he was there.
Rose hands me a beer and we sit down on the couch; she turns to me and smiles, taking a sip of beer. I do the same and immediately regret it and spit it back out again. “Oh shit, you’ve never even had a beer before?” she asks, shocked. I shake my head, wipe my mouth and place the bottle on the coffee table. “Oh hell, lovely, what on earth?” She grabs me a bottle of water and hands it to me, and I happily glug the cold water down. “Better?” she asks. I nod my head.
“So, you like Khan.” She smiles and I shrug. “Okay, I'm guessing you’ve never really fancied a boy before, right?” she asks.
“What is fancied?” I ask.
She stares at me blankly. “What on earth were you doing in that place?”
“We clean, we sow and cook. We pray morning noon and night. And we wait until God announces his wish for our chosen one who we will fornicate with and bare God’s child, raising them. Our lives are to serve our elders and God.” I smile.
“Well, fuck me sideways, you know literally zero, this is going to take some work, and clearly you fancy Khan of all people, the biggest man whore there is.” She downs the rest of her beer then snatches mine. “But you were allowed to do beauty treatments?” she asks, confused.
I nod. “Yes, I was privileged because my father was an elder, and I was allowed to bring in money for the community. I like doing beauty treatments, the outside world fascinates me. Of course, I would be baptised of the worlds sins when I returned.” I state the obvious.
“Baptised of the worlds sins?” she asks.
“Yes, Father Isiah would remove my garments and wash me, he would wash away the worlds sins, baptising me,” I say quietly. I always hated that part of being let out, it made me feel uncomfortable the way he would touch me and look at me.
Rose’s face turns sad, and she shakes her head. She reaches across and takes my hand in hers. “If anything at all, we are all going to make sure you are free from that place, and you are going to learn that none of what happened to you in there is okay, not ever.” She gives me a tight smile and drinks more beer.
Sat with Rose talking, she makes me laugh at what she says, when Khan and that woman come through the door. Rose’s face turns to a look of disgust. “Do you have to bring that in here?” she snaps.
“Oh, come on, Flo, no need to be like that.” Khan winks.
“That shouldn't be up here. God knows where she's been,” Rose argues back.
“Hey! Just because you're Rip’s old lady doesn’t mean you get to speak to me like that and judge me. For your information, I have been to a lot of places, classy places,” the woman with long nails and big lips states.
Rose gives Khan a look and raises her eyebrow. He sighs. “Candy, why don’t you leave the talking to me. I have a better use for your mouth anyway,” he growls and she giggles. I feel myself getting angry. I clench my fists and let out a huff.
They turn to me.
“Excuse me, doll, you got a problem?” the woman asks. I shake my head.