Page 42 of Grim Justice

What a fool. His bullshit had gone on long enough.

I didn’t give him a chance to reject what was coming or ride off. I ran toward the gate as Zane pulled it open, unleashed my Reaper to let him gain control, and plucked Razr from his seat.

His eyes bulged as he dangled in the air, reaching for my wrist. “What the hell?”

Ghrowl took control, holding him suspended in the air. I knew my face had taken on his form when Razr began flailing his arms and legs.

“What the fuck are you!?”

“Vengeance,” Ghrowl replied.

He shook Razr so hard his teeth clicked together, and his neck nearly snapped. The odor of urine saturated the air, and Ghrowl chuckled.


Jigsaw’s Reaper stepped forward with a salacious grin. “You’ve taken from us, so we’ll take our pound of flesh from you.”

Razr screamed as wounds began to open on his skin, tiny cuts slicing into his bare arms and legs as blood soaked into his clothes.

“Devourer,” Ghrowl called next.

Exorcist’s Reaper joined us. He laughed as he began to consume Razr’s soul while it was still attached to his body. The horror of it, the agony, sent chills down my spine.

Patriot moved forward. “His fear is delicious.”

“Feed,” Ghrowl encouraged, and Patriot closed his eyes, swaying as he pulled on Razr’s spirit, conjuring frightening images that only increased his terror.

When Razr reached his limit of human suffering, Ghrowl ordered them all to stand back. I resumed control.

“Mammoth, Wraith, Bodie, Chaos, and Diablo. You know what to do.”

Razr rolled into the fetal position, whimpering as they walked to their motorcycles. As if one mind, they sat on their bikes, started the engines, and moved into position.

One bike and rider at each location. Five points. Razr’s head, each arm, and both legs. Rope secured each limb and neck, connecting Razr’s body to each of the five Reapers and their rides.

Shock must have taken hold because Razr said nothing. He lay on his back as I squatted next to his piss-soaked, bloody body.

“You should have run when you had the chance. Now, you’ll live in hell for all eternity. A meal for the devil to consume as you experience the agony of being eaten and digested repeatedly for the remainder of time.”

Razr blinked. He was close to death but not so far gone to miss the meaning of my words. “Mercy.”

“You offered none to others in your short, pathetic life. None will be granted to you.”

I stood as Ghrowl seamlessly moved into position, the scythe glistening in the hot Nevada sun as I held it in my hand. “This soul is mine.”

The club stood in silent support as I nodded to the riders. They revved their engines, popped wheelies, and then pulled back on their throttles. Each bike shot forward. The ropes pulled tight, ripping into flesh and muscle as Razr was yanked in five different directions.

Right before he died, I reaped his soul. His spirit disconnected from his body as his filmy essence hovered above the ground in front of me, already torn from Exorcist’s feast.

His eyes widened as he watched his physical body torn apart and scattered across the desert sand. The riders would drag his remains through the Great Basin until none remained—nothing but bits and pieces for the scavengers to devour.

His mouth opened in a silent scream. The extent of his suffering was too great for a single sound to echo. He deserved every second of it before his death.

The ground began to rumble beneath my feet. It quaked and grumbled, cracking open and popping with hissing thirst. The fires of hell blew hot as they erupted, burning the filaments of Razr’s soul.

I felt the presence of every Reaper join me. They wanted to reap his soul and pass judgment as one. The club suffered together, and now it would finally receive retribution as one entity. Every scythe swiped through his filmy, stinky soul at once. We shredded him as we hovered above the ground, destroying what remained until nothing but tiny flickers fell into the open fissures below.

Loud slurping sounds below our feet proved Razr had been received. Cries of horror and pain rose as the flames flickered in shades of green, orange, and red. The fires burned brighter for a moment before simmering low. The ground slowly began to close. The fissures smoothed out.