“Why were you looking up tutorials?”
Easton shrugs, aiming for nonchalant, but that blush is still there. “You like having your nails done. I thought maybe it would be good to know. It’s always harder to do on yourself than someone else, I knew that much, so I thought I could be your someone else. ‘Course, I didn’t think it would take this long. Didn’t know you’d help out with the chores and all so much.”
“I’m happy to help out.” Of course I couldn’t do anything else.
“No, I know that.” Easton gives me a quick, warm smile before focusing back on my nails. “I just meant that we didn’t know how long you’d be stayin’ or anything like that. I figured you’d want to focus on getting out of here, not helping with chores. But we love that you’re helping out around the place.”
“You really care about this ranch.”
“Well, of course I do.” Easton chuckles. “It’s been in my family just about as long as it’s been in Jesse’s family.”
“How did your grandparents feel about combining your ranch with Jesse’s?”
“They were happy about it. My grandparents were more than ready to retire, and they’ve been loving their retirement.” He chuckles. “Just you wait for Christmas, they’ll be spoiling all four of us as if the other three Alphas are their grandsons too.”
Just you wait for Christmas. That makes it sound like…
But of course he doesn’t mean it that way. It’s just an expression.
“If I’m remembering right, though, they raised you?” I pause. “Sorry, that’s prying.”
“No, I don’t mind telling you. It was all so long ago. Yeah, sort of. It was just my mom and me for a bit. She made a lot of mistakes and we moved around a lot. It wasn’t really stable. She loved me, she just couldn’t seem to get her life together.”
“That must’ve been painful.” I pause. “The idea that… I don’t know. Maybe it would almost be better if she was a terrible person.”
Easton nods. “Yeah. In some ways it made it hurt more. Knowing that she loved me, that she wasn’t horrible, she just… was a mess. But I’m also grateful for it. Even after she died, I knew she loved me. You know? I never had to doubt that. Even if she couldn’t quite figure herself out.”
“I’m glad you had her love. You deserved it.” I think Easton also deserved a stable home life, but I suppose, having your parent’s love still matters.
Easton nods. “I try to have sympathy—I didn’t always, as a kid.”
“Kids don’t always understand everything that’s going on.”
“Yeah. But it was when she died I really understood. I was just a young teen and honestly? I probably would’ve ended up just like her, if my grandparents hadn’t been there. They took me in and took care of me, then I found Jesse, Cade, and Hendrix, and they basically became my pack instantly. Even your brother. It was really good for me to be there with them, in high school.”
I vaguely remember Easton arriving in our small town. I remember mostly because it was such a stir—someone new arriving!—but I don’t remember actual details. Honestly it had felt in a few weeks like he’d always been here, and I’m sure that’s thanks to Aiden, and Jesse and the others folding him into their friend group so quickly and deeply.
“I’m so glad they were there for you. Your pack and your grandparents. And Aiden,” I add belatedly, laughing.
Easton grins. “Yeah. They’ve all been great. I’m really glad it worked out with the ranches too.”
“I’m happy that your grandparents were able to come to the barbecue,” I say softly.
“It was nice to get to know them better.”
“They really liked you.” Easton smiles at me, eyes warm. “They were happy for me.”
My heart thumps loudly in my chest. I can’t help it—I lean in and kiss him.
“You’re going to mess up your nails,” Easton murmurs against my mouth.
“I don’t care,” I murmur back, then I kiss him again.
I don’t know how to articulate what I’m feeling, but I think, somehow, through the kiss, Easton gets it.
Chapter 34