“Wait. Weren’t they at the auction?” I frown, confusion rising inside me. “They were spreading all those rumors about you four.”
“Oh, we saw Travis all right,” Easton grumbles. “Smarmy asshat. He didn’t approach us, but it was clear that he had his eye on us.”
Hendrix has a thoughtful look on his face. “Come to think of it, I remember seeing Travis too. But isn’t it a little weird how we kept seeing him?”
“I didn’t think so at the time, it felt like he was doing his whole Alpha posturing bullshit routine. The usual.”
“Yeah, but think about it. They had to know that we’d hear about the rumors they were spreading. It was a pretty stupid thing for them to do, it could make them look bad just as easily. And we saw Travis—but I don’t remember seeing Leon, do you?”
“I saw Kyle,” Easton says. “But no, not Leon.”
I shiver. All three of the McAllisters rub me the wrong way, but Leon gives me the chills more than the other two, which is saying something. There’s something so cold about him, something so devoid of any human decency or compassion. I feel like he’d crush a bunny rabbit in his hand if Travis told him to.
“Leon could definitely get down here and destroy the barn,” Jesse says. “It’s something he’d love, and Travis likes to send him to do the dirty work.”
“But I didn’t see anything or anyone,” I remind them. “How can we get proof?”
Cade gives a grim smile. “I’ve got something that will help.”
Chapter 46
I keep a hand on the small of Grace’s back as we exit the Sheriff’s office.
We haven’t let her out of our sight since the fire. It might be overprotective, sure, but I don’t give a shit. I’d rather we be overprotective than give the McAllisters a chance to strike again.
Jesse feels the only reason they didn’t do anything to hurt Grace is they had no idea she was there. They thought the ranch would be empty, and it should have been since the plan was to have Grace come with us and people knew that. If Travis and Kyle didn’t see Grace with us at the auction they must’ve assumed we hid her in the motel room after learning about the trouble they’d been stirring. After all, if we hadn’t had our friend Grady calling us, we would’ve had no idea that the McAllisters were trying to sabotage us until we got there.
We don’t trust that the McAllisters won’t try to hurt her if they think she’s alone. And we want to keep an eye on her in case there are any lingering issues. There shouldn’t be but between the smoke inhalation and nearly getting pneumonia, we’d rather be safe than sorry.
Grace is independent, but I think she can tell how worried we were, how scared we felt. She can literally feel our emotions, after all. So she doesn’t complain.
I’m grateful for it. I feel a tightness in my chest whenever Grace is out of my sight. I know it’s silly. She doesn’t need me hovering while she brushes her teeth, for crying out loud. But the fear that gripped me when we felt her screaming for help—the weakness of her voice—the way we then couldn’t feel her at all—and how it was to run all over the ranch trying to find her—
I’ve never been so scared in my life. I hope I’m never that fucking scared ever again.
Now, though, I’m not afraid. I’m satisfied.
It’s a grim satisfaction, but I’ll take it. I had no idea when I’d done what I did all those weeks ago that it would pan out like this, but it turns out my paranoia was justified.
We all get into the car, and I glance at my pack mates, knowing they all feel the same way. Anger continues to simmer at how we were fucked with and especially at how Grace was hurt, but the revenge—the justice—will be sweet.
As we get into the car, I see the Sheriff and a few deputies exiting the building and heading for their cars. I can’t stop a savage grin from spreading across my face.
They were just given evidence that the McAllisters tried to sabotage our ranch and caused bodily harm, and now, they’re going in for the arrest.
“What do you think?” Jesse asks the rest of us. “You want to go watch?”
Hell yes I want to follow and watch. I look over at Grace.
Grace smirks and nods, her eyes sparking. She’s feeling the same righteous anger that we are, I can feel it across our bond. I love so many things about her, but that’s definitely one of them—that she’s soft and sweet, but that’s not all that she is. She’s damn fierce too.
I start the car and wait until the Sheriff and his deputies pull out, then follow them at a polite distance. Nobody can say that we interfered. The last thing I want is for us to get in the way of the Sheriff taking care of these assholes. I don’t want to be the reason something goes wrong in the arrest.
We follow the cars down Main Street and through the town out onto the dirt roads until they get to the McAllister ranch. I’m sure the Sheriff knows that we’re following him. You can’t really miss us when we’re the only other car around on a one-lane road. But if he has a problem with it, he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t give us a call and tell us to knock it off.
I stop the car at the end of the driveway, and we all get out so we can stand around and watch. Like our ranch, the McAllister ranch has a long driveway with the house at the end of it, so we’re not right up in front of the ranch house but we still have a good view.