Page 6 of Praise You

I put one hand back on my shaft, while the other one starts to rub circles against my hole. Making sure I moan softly when I’m supposed to, I grunt and pant, and make all the noises I know will drive them crazy.

While I always get off when I make videos, it’s become more transactional than anything. I record myself, make sure I do enough in the video to get the other person off, and then I come. Live videos are usually more fun, but I haven’t done one of those in a while.

I spend a few more minutes jerking off and talking to the camera before I’m spurting all over my hand and chest. I fall back onto the chair, breathing heavily before running my finger through my cum, spreading across my stomach.

“You did so fucking good, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

Leaning forward, I keep a smile on my face, my eyes locked on the camera until I stop recording. Making eye contact with the camera means I’m making eye contact with whoever watches it and they tend to eat it up. Once I hear the click of the video stopping, I flop back down in my chair, ripping off my mask.

Cleaning myself up quickly, I put all the cam things away before getting back into bed. I love making videos, but sometimes, in the afterglow of my orgasm, the feelings creep in and I remember that I’m alone.

Professor Eye Candy is going over the essays we finished earlier this week. School has been in session for a few weeks now and I’m already over it. Each class I have has given assignment after assignment, and I can’t wait to be done with school.

Looking down at my essay, I groan when I see the big red C at the top of the paper. Glancing over at Noah’s grade, I see he has an A, and I roll my eyes.

“Of course,” I whisper jokingly.

“Huh?” Noah asks, turning his head to look at me.

Jerking my head in the direction of his paper, I say, “The A. Of course, you got an A.”

Noah snickers softly. “Maybe I just researched more than you did.”

“Well, obviously. How the hell did you make an A after working two jobs?”

Noah shrugs before smirking. “I guess I’m just better at school than you are.”

“Damn right you are.”

I know my dreams are to end up in education, but I can’t wait to be done with my own. Classes aren’t usually too bad, but this year I’m impatient and I want it over already. Professor ends the class soon after and I decide to stay back so I can ask him questions about my grade.

Once everyone has left the room, I gather up my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder, and grab my essay. Making my way down the aisle, I take in Professor Carson, who’s standing at the lectern.

He looks so damn good. He always does, but the days when he’s wearing a vest with a tie are hands down the sexiest days. He’s wearing charcoal slacks with a matching vest and a deep red tie. I already know his ass looks fucking fantastic in those pants, as I couldn’t stop myself from staring when he was walking back and forth on the stage earlier.

Walking up to him, I clear my throat to get his attention.

“Oh, hello Mr. James. How can I help you today?”

He turns to look at me and fuck. I’m blown away. Professor Carson is absolutely gorgeous. He has beautiful red hair with a beard I wouldn’t mind feeling between my legs. Behind his circular glasses are beautiful green eyes that seem so full of life. And fuck me. He has the most gorgeous freckles all over his face. His chuckle startles me and I shake my head, offering a small grin.

“Sorry.” Lifting the paper, I give it a gentle shake. “I, uh, I just wanted to see what was wrong with my paper that warranted a C.”

Professor Carson grabs the paper from me, giving it a quick glance over. His mouth moves as he quietly reads the words. My eyes stay trained on him, taking in every aspect of his face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man as gorgeous as him. He raises his eyebrow before clicking his tongue and looking at me.

“Your research was fine. But you missed a few critical key points that would have fully benefited your paper...” His voice carries on, but I honestly stop paying attention. I don’t even care what he’s saying, but the fact he’s so confident in what he’s talking about, it’s turning me on.


My body jerks and my face heats, knowing I wasn’t listening to a word he said.

“Yes?” Hopefully I didn’t just answer yes to something he didn’t ask.

“Okay, perfect. I’ll see you on Thursday then.”

What? Apparently, I did say yes to something. “Wait. Thursday?”

“I said if you needed some extra help, I can tutor you on Thursdays after class… and you said yes. So I assumed you wanted to start this Thursday.”