"Fuck, you're so sexy," he whispers in my ear. My body is flush against the wall and Ronan is crowded into me from behind. I can feel his erection digging into my ass and I grind back on him, loving when a hiss escapes his mouth.
"I was almost naked, but you stopped me."
"I couldn't stop myself." He kisses down my throat to my shoulder, while his hand rounds my body and splays across my stomach. "I needed to get my hands on you. Now, let's go take that bath."
He releases me, and I turn around to face him. I grab the hem of his shirt with a fist and drag it up. He lifts his arms above his head, allowing me to take his shirt off. My finger drags down his chiseled chest, stopping at the dark happy trail that leads from his belly button. I dip my finger against the waistband of his jeans and pull him toward me. His body quivers and I lean in to tease him with a kiss on his neck before pulling away.
"Come on, let's go."
I let go and step around him, smirking when he groans behind me. Stepping into the bathroom, I turn the water to hot before realizing I forgot to grab the bath bombs we bought earlier.
"Shit, hold on," I say, before rushing out of the room to the living room, where I grab the bath bombs and rush back into the bathroom. "Might need these," I wiggle the box in front of him. "Which one do you think we should use first?"
"Whichever one you want is fine with me." He unbuttons his jeans, shoving them and his briefs down his legs and I nearly swallow my tongue. Earlier this morning, I got a look at him, but seeing him standing before me is something extraordinary. He's fucking glorious, his body on display for me. His happy trail of dark hair leads to trimmed pubes surrounding his beautiful cock. He wraps his hand around his shaft, his snickering breaking my concentration. "Like what you see?" his voice comes out husky, and I can tell he's as turned on as I am.
Nodding my head, I strip out of my clothes, putting my glasses on the counter, then toss the bath bomb into the water. "I picked strawberry," I say, stepping into the burning hot water. Scooting up, I wrap my arms around my legs as I look back at Ronan. "Are you going to join me or just watch?"
Ronan mumbles something incoherently, and I grin at his facial expression. He steps into the water behind me and sits down, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against him. The water rises slowly and the scent of strawberries fills the air. Closing my eyes, I lean back, loving the feel of being in his arms. The feeling of being safe.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You can ask me anything," he whispers into the room, tightening his hold on me.
"How did you get into camming? Or whatever you call it. It just doesn't seem much like you." I've been wondering about this since I first found out he was the man behind the mask. How my student could be such a dominating and commanding presence on the screen? A man who has tons of men logging onto a site to watch him, to get off to him. Jealousy starts flooding my veins, my vision going hazy, and I will it to back down. There's nothing to be jealous of. We haven't even said what this is, and besides, all of that is done behind a screen, not in person. Still, it doesn't stop the thoughts that flood through my mind, of me not being enough for him.
"Uh, well, actually my ex used to do it." He reaches over to the ledge, snatching my body wash and pouring some into his hands. He lathers it up before gliding his hands up and down my chest, reaching from my shoulders down to my hips. He takes his time rubbing around my body, spending extra time right above my aching dick. As much as I want him to move his hand lower, I’d rather have this conversation.
"Was it something you made with him?" I ask quietly, needing but not wanting to know the answer.
"No," he scoffs, his hands stopping and I hate the loss immediately. "I found out he was using it to cheat on me. He would find men on there and if they lived close enough, he would meet up with them."
"Fuck, Ronan. That sounds horrible. I'm so sorry." I grab his hand and link our fingers together, hating that he was put through that. "Why would you start doing it, then?"
His head clangs against the edge of the tub from him throwing his head back. "So, Mitchell, the one who was on the site, he was actually the third boyfriend I've had that's cheated on me. The first, Max, was in high school. We were together for a couple years when I found out he cheated on me with someone on his football team. That one didn’t affect me as much because we were so young, but it still hurt. The second was my first year here. We had only been together for a few months, but he ended up cheating on me with his tutor. When I asked why, he said I was too much to deal with. And then Mitchell. Cheating on me with multiple people, but turned it around on me by saying I was too boring to keep his attention. After the third time, I didn't want to do the relationship thing anymore. Plus, I was curious and, after looking at Mitchell's video, I saw the amount of money people were paying to watch him. And I figured, well, hell, I can do that too. I can make money, get off, and not worry about getting my heart broken."
"Oh, Ronan." Fuck, my heart breaks for him, being cheated on not once, but three times. I couldn't imagine how that would fuck with someone's confidence. And the hurtful things they said? Fuck, he didn’t deserve that. "I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Do you like doing the whole cam thing, though?"
"I honestly do. The men on there have no idea who I am, which I really like. The anonymity of it all. I don't have to show my face, but I'm still making money. I don't have to go out and hook up or anything. And I've really enjoyed it since you first logged in."
"Oh god, I forgot about that first time. I probably seemed like such an amateur." I laugh, cupping some water into my hands and pouring it down my body.
"Yeah, but there was something about you that called out to me. It was the same when I first saw you in class. You commanded the room when you stood in front of the lectern."
"And then I logged into your site."
"And if that didn't happen, then we wouldn't be where we are right now."
"You're right," I concede.
"I usually am." His cackle causes my body to bounce and I sit up, splashing water at him.
"So, do you see yourself continuing with the cam thing?"
"Yeah, I see nothing wrong with it."
Turning back around, I hum. While I don't see anything wrong with it, I do wonder what would happen if something does grow between us. Will he give it up? Or will he keep making videos for men to watch? The thought causes an unease to settle in my stomach and I want to get rid of it.
"I'm starting to get all wrinkly. Do you want to get out and watch a movie?" He asks, kissing my shoulder softly.