"How do you feel about them knowing?" Oliver slides off my body, resting himself up against my side. My fingers rub circles on his arm as he traces his own fingers up and down my chest.
"I actually feel pretty good. I didn't keep it from them because I don’t trust them. It was something I did for myself. And I'm a fool for not realizing they probably heard what was going on the whole time," I laugh, my body rumbling when Oliver snickers along with me.
"Yeah, I mean, I only saw it from the other side, but even I could tell you were loud." I pinch his side, smiling when he yelps and smacks me in the chest. "It's true."
"I guess I am very vocal. But I'm glad they know. Even though I'm done with that part of my life, it was still a big part of it and who I was."
"Do you miss it?" he asks quietly.
"No. I don't. It was what I needed at the time, but I don't need it anymore. That was a time in my life when my self-esteem was really low. It was a way for me to protect myself and my heart. I thought if I couldn't see them or deal with them in person, then I wouldn't get hurt." It took me a little while to realize this. Doing the camming sessions, watching men ogle me through the screen, was a way for me to protect my heart. They wouldn’t get the chance to hurt me because I held myself back. And I don't miss it. Trusting Oliver to not hurt me, letting him break those walls down was worth it in every way. Tilting his chin up, I lock eyes with him before pecking his lips with mine. "Lot of good that did me, huh? Falling in love with someone I met online."
"I'm glad I did, though. Log in that night, I mean. The second time. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't?"
"I'd like to think we still would have ended up right here."
"I like to think that, too."
Oliver nuzzles back on to my chest, my arms wrapped around him tightly. We lie that way, in silence, the only sounds are of us breathing. His breathing eventually evens out and I turn his body so I can cuddle him from behind. Flashes of the past few months filter through my mind and I smile into his neck. This was not the way I saw this past year happening. I thought I was closed off, not willing to fall in love again, but this wonderful, amazing, smart man broke down every wall I had. He's shown me I'm worth it and I deserve to be loved. The men before him were stepping stones to this. I needed to feel that hurt, to be able to appreciate the man in my arms. I'm so fucking thankful for him.
When I kiss his nape, Oliver sighs and snuggles in deeper to me.
"Thank you, Freckles."
Running through the front doors, I turn left, then right, trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go. It's finally graduation day and I'm running behind. This morning my parents showed up for the ceremony, so I spent time with them. Then we went to the airport to pick up Noah so he could surprise Asher.
There was traffic, but luckily it wasn't too bad, so I'm only running a couple minutes behind. My parents and Noah are somewhere in the crowd waiting to watch the ceremony. Rounding the corner, I skid to a stop when I finally see West, Carter, and Asher standing in the hallway.
"There you are," Carter says, gesturing for me to join them.
"Here I am," I reply, out of breath.
"I can't believe we're graduating," West squeals, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Took for-damn-ever, but I’m ready for the next stage in my life." A smile passes between him and Carter, and I smile. West and Carter are planning to move out and get their own place, and I'm so damn happy for them. Asher and I have talked about doing the same, hoping Noah will want to join us. We can't stay in that big house with only the three of us.
The dean announces for all the graduates to get into place, so we head down toward our seats; excitement and anxiousness running through my body. The actual graduation ceremony passes by quickly, people giving speeches, the dean reading off our names. It's a surreal experience to know I'm done with this stage of my life.
The ceremony ends and the four of us leave the stage, trying to navigate our way through the crowd. I'm looking for my parents when I see Asher notice Noah for the first time. He stops dead in his tracks, and I watch as he and Noah find themselves in each other's arms. We reach them and Noah takes his time hugging each of us. We discuss meeting up for dinner, so I leave them trying to find where my parents headed off to.
Making my way through the crowd, I see my dad standing tall, right in the middle. The smaller brunette woman at his side sees me and smiles, taking off through the crowd in my direction.
Jumping into my arms, she whispers, "I'm so proud of you," before sliding down my body and patting my cheek.
Rolling my eyes, I smile, saying, "Thanks, Mom."
My dad slowly makes his way to us, pulling me into a tough hug. "We are so damn proud of you, son. I wouldn't have missed this for the world."
"Thank you," I tell both of them, giving them each another hug.
They have always been my biggest supporters, always hyping me up and supporting me in everything I've wanted to do. When I told them I wanted to go into education, they asked how they could support me and made sure to help me with whatever I needed.
A throat clears behind me and I whip around, taking in Oliver standing in front of me. I saw him in the crowd earlier when I was on stage, but I wasn't able to really take him in. He's wearing a black pinstripe suit with a dark, emerald-green tie. His beard is trimmed and his hair is perfectly styled. He's perfect.
"Hi," I whisper, quickly glancing at my mom and dad.
"I am so damn proud of you. Watching you walk across that stage was everything, Ronan."
"Thank you." Stepping forward, I grab his hand and face my parents. "Mom. Dad. This is Oliver. He's my boyfriend." Oliver squeezes my hand and when I look up at him, there are tears in his eyes.
"Finally," he says before turning toward my parents and offering his hand for them to shake. They make their introductions, but all I can hear is 'finally' repeating itself in my head. Finally, I have found someone who's worth my time and my trust. Finally, I found someone I can be myself with, and someone he can be himself with. And finally, we get to announce to the world I'm his and he's mine.