"Okay, spread your legs for me. Let me open you up."
He follows my command easily, letting his legs fall open. Shimmying down his body, I pour some lube down his balls and onto my fingers. I slowly work him open, starting with one finger, working my way up to three, not losing eye contact with him. He's so damn gorgeous; I'm captivated by him. Even though I haven't said a word, he must sense my praise because a beautiful pink flush adorns his cheeks, his freckles becoming more pronounced. This man has flipped my world upside down and I wouldn't change a thing.
"Do you think you're ready?" I ask, wanting to make sure I'm not rushing this, which is hard when I want him so badly. I’ve been dying to have him and while I’ve patiently waited, I don’t know how much restraint I have left.
"I'm ready, Ronan," he whispers, smiling softly at me. “I’ve read that being on top would be easier, as it’ll allow me to go at my own pace. Can we try that?”
“Of course, Freckles. Anything you want.”
I grab his glasses off his face and set them down on the table by the bed. Tapping his hip, I gesture for him to switch me spots, which he easily does. After lying on my back, I roll the condom down my shaft, adding more lube, then wait as he straddles me.
"Take your time, okay?"
Oliver nods, then lifts his body up to line my cock with his hole. He takes his time trying to push down on me. My dick slowly breaches the first ring of muscle before he stops. He plants his hands on my chest and rests for a moment, his eyes closed tightly. Gliding my hands up and down his arm, I try to offer him comfort, knowing it's going to hurt his first time.
"I'm okay," he whispers. "You're just way bigger than my toy."
A loud roar leaves my lips, causing my dick to jerk inside Oliver. He groans then starts concentrating hard, beginning to work himself down my cock slowly, stopping a few more times to adjust until I'm fully seated inside of him. My hands find his hips as he slowly lifts up and down again. He finally finds his rhythm moving on me in a way that has me in a trance. I grab onto his dick and stroke him slowly. He throws his head back, taking his pleasure.
Encouraging him, I murmur words of praise, while he loses himself to the euphoria. He leans his arms back onto my thighs, fucking himself on my cock, his dick smacking against my stomach with every thrust. A trail of pre-cum drips down onto my belly and my finger swipes it up before I shove it into my mouth. Fuck, his flavor is sweet and salty and so damn Oliver.
He’s shameless with his thrusting, desperate to have my cock light him up. Wanting to be closer to him, I tap his hip, getting him to pause. "I wanna try something."
He lifts off me and lies beside me on the bed on his back. Spreading his legs, I crawl between them, rubbing my hands up and down his legs. Kissing at his strong thighs, I stop when his dick is in front of my face. Fuck, I’m so ravenous for him. Not able to control myself, I suck his dick into my mouth, loving when I taste his pre-cum on the back of my tongue. Oliver mewls, head twisting back and forth on the pillow. His hands grip the black sheets, his hands white knuckling them.
Desperately needing to feel him on my cock again, I rise up, kissing him intensely, before lining myself up with his needy hole. I slowly push in, my head resting on his beating heart. It’s beating so fast, I would worry, but from the lust in his eyes, I know he's loving this as much as I am. Thrusting a few times, I lean up to claim his lips. His hands find the back of my head as he holds me in place, kissing me passionately. I slowly move in and out of him, our lips never leaving one another. We kiss and nip and suck, getting lost in each other. His hands anchor me to him, our bodies sweat slicked and flushed together.
Falling in love with him was inevitable. I truly never thought I would open my heart again, but Oliver knocked down all my walls. No, he bulldozed them down. He fixed all the little cracks and fissures in my heart that told me I wasn't worth it. That told me everyone would cheat or leave me. This green-eyed man, gorgeous inside and out, has shown me what true love is.
My hand finds Oliver's cock and I tug, wanting him to have all the satisfaction. His back arches as I continue thrusting inside him. His dick twitches in my hand before he comes all over me. His release sets me off and I fill the condom. Slumping down onto his body, I breathe him in deeply, sighing contently when Oliver grabs onto me and holds tight, neither of us wanting to let go. It’s taken us months to get to this point, and the wait was worth it.
I love you. I say in my head.
Now if only I could gather the courage to actually tell him.
Turning left on the trail, I find a huge rock to sit on. I set my backpack on the ground, pulling out my water bottle and taking a swig. Passing the bottle to Oliver, I watch as he takes a sip, his throat bobbing as he swallows. Fuck, I wanna lick that Adam’s apple.
We spent the morning hiking through the park. The views have been incredible, but holy shit, is it hot. We've had to take more breaks than I thought we would, but I've enjoyed every second we've spent together.
I've also spent most of the morning debating on when and how I'm going to tell Oliver I’m in love with him. I don't want to blurt it out. I want it to be somewhat special. I watch as Oliver packs up the backpack and swings it onto his back.
"Come on, we're almost there."
"Ugh, more walking," I complain. We've already made it to Skull Rock and now we're on our way back.
"We're almost done, then we can head back to the rental and relax our muscles with a nice bath."
"Yes, I wanna do that," I say, pointing at him. Oliver chuckles and walks past me, leading the way, my eyes glued to his ass. We make it to the end of the trail, deciding to stop at the picnic tables they have set up. I swing my leg over the bench and gesture for Oliver to sit next to me. "I figured we could eat a snack real quick to tide us over until we head back and can get some lunch."
"Okay." Oliver opens the backpack and pulls out the trail mix. He pops some into his mouth and looks at me. He’s not wearing his glasses today, choosing to wear his contacts so the hike would be easier. He’s gorgeous either way, but with his skin flushed from the heat and the glasses missing, his freckles and red beard pop out more. "This place is really beautiful. I'm glad we came to visit."
"Same. This was really a great idea. We should try to plan something for the summer," I say, trying not to get ahead of myself, but I can't help it. I can see a future with Oliver and I hope he feels the same.
"I’d love that. Maybe we can head somewhere farther away. We have a few months to plan." I watch as he uses his fingers to draw in the sand that's found its way on to the table. He seems lost in thought, so I give him a few seconds, taking in the area around us.
It's beautiful here, lots of desert and plants, hot as hell, but still beautiful. I can't believe I've never been here before. We only hiked one trail, but according to their website there are tons of different trails throughout the whole park. Maybe we can make this a yearly tradition, hiking a new trail each year.
I'm jostled out of my thoughts when Oliver waves his hand in front of my face. "Hmm?"