"You're going to have a great semester, I know it."
"Speaking of semester..." my voice trails off and I battle with myself on what to say. I'm not a relationship person. I've been screwed over so many times before, but Oliver makes me want to try again. He makes me want to risk my heart one more time. "What is going to happen with us?"
"Come here," he rolls his chair out and pulls me down onto his lap so I'm sitting on him. "Talk to me. What do you mean, what's going to happen with us?"
"It's just we haven't talked about what we are or what we're doing. Sure, we've hooked up, and we've talked a shit ton. But we haven't talked about this."
"You're right, we haven't. Can I be one hundred percent honest with you?" he asks, squeezing me tighter.
"Of course," I tell him, wanting him to know he can always be honest with me.
"When I first moved here, I wasn't looking for anything serious. Hell, I was mostly trying to figure out who I am, outside of who I was before. And then you came barreling into my life. And I've been mesmerized by you ever since. But you said you don't do relationships, so I've been waiting to see how you want to handle things and taking your cue. I would never want to force you into something you weren't comfortable with. And since our situation is already stressful, I didn't want to add to it." He rushes out all the words, then finally stops and looks at me nervously.
"So, you're saying you've been waiting for me to say something and I've been waiting for you to say something," I snicker.
"Essentially, yes."
I lean forward, placing a kiss on his lips before pulling away. "I wanna try to have a relationship. I want to date you." There I said it. Now I can only hope he doesn't break my heart.
"I’ve got you," he says, as though he could read my mind.
"Wanna get out of here?"
"Let's go," he replies, tapping my thigh, causing me to stand up.
Tossing another pizza crust into the box, I groan, falling back onto the couch cushions.
"Ugh, why did you let me eat so much?"
Oliver laughs, placing his plate onto the coffee table. "I didn't tell you to eat that many slices. You chose to."
"Yeah, but now I'm too full to do anything."
"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Oliver asks, scooting closer to me.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"What a shame. I'm not too tired or too full to do that."
Doing a double take, I stare hard at Oliver. "Really?"
"Yeah, really." He stands up, reaching his hand out to me. "I've been dying to have your hands on me all day. Are you sure you're too full?"
"Nope, I was kidding. I'm not full. Come on Freckles, let's go."
Ember jumps up onto the couch, the little cockblock she is. It’s as though she knows I want to get Oliver naked and under me. Oliver chuckles, shaking his head. “Just leave her there. Come on.”
Standing up, I stick my tongue out when Ember glares at me, but stays on the couch. She still hasn’t warmed up to me, but I would be the same way if Oliver was giving someone else all his attention. I pull him down the hallway toward his bedroom. I've been in here so many times, I could walk these halls in my sleep. As soon as we step over the threshold, I close the door and let go of his hand.
Leaning against the closed door, I demand, "Get naked, Oliver, and show me that sexy body of yours."
A visible shudder runs through his body as he starts undressing. The vest comes off first, followed by his button up and last, his slacks and briefs. My eyes track every sensual movement, the ache building for him. When he's completely naked in front of me, I step forward and grab his hip.
“So damn good for me, Freckles.” A whimper falls from his mouth as I grab his glasses, taking them off his face. “I don't want anything to happen to these,” I say, showing him his glasses, then setting them down on his dresser. "Get on the bed and wait for me.”
Oliver does as I say, and I love how well he follows commands. I've always loved having control in the bedroom and with Oliver being older, I worried he would want to have all the control, but it seems as though we’re perfect for each other. I need control and Oliver loves giving it up, plus he loves the praise I dish out to him. And fuck, do I love praising him.
Undressing quickly, I keep my eyes on Oliver while his own worship my body. His gaze travels up and down my chest while he licks his lips. Making my way to the bed, I kneel down on the mattress, pausing to let Oliver get his fill.