Page 4 of Praise You

“Good morning, welcome to Beaumont University. How can I help you?” She smiles brightly at me a few seconds after she hangs up.

“Uh, hi.” I’m usually not nervous or shy, but the sweat beading on my forehead is making a liar out of me right now. I don’t even know why I’m nervous. I’m only seeing my new boss who I've already met before. “My name is Oliver Carson. I’m the new Literature professor. I was told to meet Dean Grey this morning.”

“Of course. It’s nice to meet you. She’s straight down the hall in room 104. She’s expecting you, so you’re more than welcome to walk on in.”

“Thank you.”

Slowly making my way down the hall, I take in all the different pictures adorning the walls. There’s everything from the university's different sports teams, to the dean shaking hands with different people, to pictures of students all around the campus.

Stopping in front of room 104, I take in a big breath before releasing it and shaking my head. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous right now. My interview with Dean Grey went great, obviously, since I got the job here. She was nice and kind, and I hope she doesn’t regret picking me.

Ridding myself of all the negative thoughts currently plaguing my mind, I knock on the door softly, turning the handle when I hear her soft, “Come in.”

“Good morning, Dean Grey.” I quickly stride over to her, wiping my hand on my pants before offering it for her to shake. “It’s so great to see you again.”

“You as well, Oliver.” Her English accent is so strong, I’m temporarily taken aback, having forgotten she’s originally from London, England. Dean Grey is an older woman with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and very few wrinkles. Each time I’ve seen her, she’s had a pantsuit on. I’ve never seen anyone who’s been able to pull off a pantsuit before, but she does it well. I sit down on the chair in front of her desk as she continues. “I am so glad you decided to join us here at BU. Our staff is going to love you and our students will adore you. Have you been out to your lecture room yet?”

“Yes. I went there yesterday to check out the space and see what supplies I needed to get. This campus is a lot bigger than I remember.” I chuckle, the nervousness ramping up again at the thought of starting all over in my career.

“Ah, yes. It’s quite a large campus, but I know you’ll love it.” She leans back in her chair, offering me a small smile. “Do you have everything you need? I want to make sure you feel as welcome as possible. We have a couple of new hires on our campus this semester. There are new biology, finance, and business professors. As well as you.”

“Oh, wow,” I say, shocked. I knew the campus was big, but I didn’t realize how many new professors were needed.

“We’ve grown quite a bit the past few years. And with the rise in enrollment, we’ve had to bring on more educators. I’m sure you’ll meet them soon.”

“Of course.”

“I also wanted to let you know you’ll have a teacher’s aide as well. His name is Ty, and he’s currently in the education program and needs the experience for his degree. He’s been at BU for a few years, so he knows what’s expected of him, and I think you’ll get along immensely. He won’t be here today, but he should be joining you tomorrow.”

“Can’t wait. Thank you again for the opportunity.”

“We’re lucky to have you. I only wanted to meet with you this morning to make sure you have everything you need. I know it’s a big adjustment moving across the country—I've moved across the world—so I understand what you might be feeling. So, if you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.”

“Thank you, Dean Grey.”

I don’t think about it much, but moving across the country was easier than I thought it would be. When you don’t have anything waiting for you back at home, picking up and moving somewhere new is easier than expected.

Especially when you’re moving toward a dream you’ve always had. I always loved being in the classroom, and I loved the idea of teaching adults.

“I hope you have a great first day, Oliver.”

Nodding my head, I stand up, offering my hand before turning and leaving her office. I make my way out of the building, and turn right, heading towards the literature building. It contains all the literature courses for every year of students, from freshmen to seniors.

I head through the doors, bypassing the elevator, deciding to take the stairs to the second floor where my room is. The entire way up, the nervousness in my stomach starts to dissipate and excitement begins flooding my body.

Standing in front of students, speaking and teaching about something I’m passionate about builds a confidence in me that's missing in other areas of my life.

Me being confident in who I am sexually?

Not so much.

But being confident in the classroom?


Pulling on the handle, I take a deep breath, the chatter of student’s voices hitting my ears as I open the door. Standing up straight, I push up my glasses, then pull down on my vest before making my way down the aisle. Lifting my head high, my confidence builds and I smile when their chatter tampers off until it’s quiet throughout the room.

I stride towards the front, setting my bag down, then make my way to the lectern.