I lean my head down, trying to make eye contact with him, but his eyes are on my hand. The hand that’s still holding onto his wrist. Letting go, I run my hand through my hair and step back.
“Would it be so wrong?” he whispers, looking up at me with big, beautiful brown eyes that hold me hostage.
“It could be,” I whisper back.
Ronan steps closer, crowding into me. I don’t move, my feet rooted in place to see what’s going to happen. He licks his lips before pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and biting it. God, he’s gorgeous. My chest rises and lowers rapidly as he gets even closer. One of his hands finds the nape of my neck, while one of mine settles on his hip. Squeezing my eyes shut, I grip him roughly, not knowing what I should do.
My eyes spring open at the soft sound of my name on his lips. A sound I’ll now always dream of. He places his other hand on my shoulder before he’s rising up, his breath fanning over my lips.
I know it’s coming, but I’m still not prepared for the shock that hits my body when his lips touch mine. I’ve had kisses before, but I’ve never had a kiss like this. One that’s a shock to my system, a kiss that has me gripping him tighter, dragging his body against mine. One that has my heart beating wildly in my chest, as though it’s wanting to break free.
His hands tighten in my hair, both of us grabbing each other, trying to get as close to one another as we can. My hands slip under his shirt, skin smooth under my touch. His tongue slides into my mouth, a moan finding its way out of me.
A door slamming in the hallway has me jumping back from him.
“Oliver.” My name is a hushed whisper on his lips. His hands come up, like I’m an animal he’s trying not to spook.
My fingers trace my lips shakily, my eyes drifting closed, remembering the feel of his firm pink lips against mine.
“I-I gotta go.”
Turning around, I rush out of the room, my heart about to beat out of my chest.
Chapter Ten
It's been two days since I kissed my professor.
Two days since I lost my damn mind. I don't know what I was thinking. But I couldn't stop myself. Knowing he’s the shy guy from the live video this summer and the fact he admitted to watching my other videos.
I’m not sure what came over me.
All I know is I wanted to feel his lips against mine.
So, I took it. I kissed him.
And now I'm an anxious mess, wondering what's going to happen today in class. Is he going to outright ignore me? Is he going to pretend nothing happened? He ran away from our kiss like his ass was on fire, so who knows what could happen today?
Moving up in line, I scan the menu at the front of the café. They have a few new coffee flavors I'm dying to try. Once I reach the front of the line, I take in Noah, who's standing at the register. He's not paying attention to the crowd, so I wave my hand in front of his face, trying to get his attention.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask, worried about my friend.
He blinks a few times, shaking his head. "I'm good. Zoned out. Sorry. What do you want?"
"Hmm. How about the iced caramel mixed with vanilla bean? And some time with my best friend."
Noah's writing my order down onto the cup when he stops mid word looking up at me.
"Damn. It has been a while since we've spent some time together, huh? Since Thanksgiving break."
"Too long." And it really has been. We hang out here and there, but nothing like before.
"I'm sorry." He looks away and I instantly feel like shit. I don’t ever want him to think I’m trying to come between him and Asher. I would never do that, but I do miss seeing him.
"Don't be. There's nothing to be sorry for," I tell him honestly.