Pressing the sign-up button on the computer screen, I sit back, watching the swirling circle on the screen processing my information.
I’m not sure what I’m doing, but what the hell? There’s no turning back now.
The webpage loads, and with shaky hands, I navigate to the search engine. Not knowing what to put in, I first type ‘men,’ then place the cursor in front and add ‘gay.’
A long list of different profiles pops up, different color circles in front of them. My eyes widen at the variety of men in front of me. Hovering over the circles, I see that green means they are online, red means they're offline and gray means they only upload videos and don't do live sessions.
I start scrolling through all the different profiles, trying to see if anything or anyone stands out to me. There’re a ton of pictures of bare chests, and a few censored dicks. Not many actually show their faces, though. Scrolling down, I stop when I see a masked man staring back at me. I can’t see his face, but there’s something about his warm brown eyes under the black lace mask that seems inviting, drawing me in.
Wanting to learn more about him, I click the button next to his picture, hoping it takes me to his main page. A camera screen pops up and before I can figure out what’s happening, the masked man appears on my screen, shirtless.
“Well, damn. Hello.”
His gruff voice cuts through and my body stiffens. Twisting my head back and forth, I quickly pull the screen down so my face isn’t visible. What the fuck is going on?
“Uh. Hi?” I flinch when my voice comes out squeaky.
The masked man chuckles, and I have no idea what happened or how he appeared on my screen. “I’m uh...” Licking my lips, I pause, trying to give myself some time. “I-I’m not quite sure how this happened? Like how you’re on my screen?” I stutter, my cheeks flushing warm from embarrassment.
“Ah. You pressed the green circle on my profile, which automatically took you to my waiting queue and since no one else was waiting, it automatically put us together.”
“Oh? I didn’t know that’s how it worked.” Laughing awkwardly, I continue, “I thought green just meant you were online.” Rubbing the back of my neck, I glance around sheepishly, feeling like a fool. I don’t know what I was thinking, putting myself in this situation.
“No, sorry. The green button means I’m available to do a live session. Have you ever done a live session before?” The mask somewhat stifles his voice, but I can still understand his words pretty clearly.
“No, I haven’t. I’ve never actually been on a site like this before. Let alone thought I’d actually be talking to someone.” We both laugh and his is a deep, throaty one, sending trembles flowing through my body. “I’m sorry. I thought I would only be watching a video. But uh… thanks anyway.” I go to exit, when his voice stops me.
“Wait.” Even though I don’t want to, I wait to see what he’s going to say next. “You obviously came to the site for something. Maybe you should stick around?”
“Um... I don’t know.”
“Just try.”
“Okay,” I whisper. I don’t know what it is about this specific man that’s drawing me in and keeping me here, but I want to see what happens next.
“So, I want to make this easier for you. Do you want to watch or participate?”
Oh wow. Shifting slightly in my seat, I think about what he’s asking. What do I want? I originally got onto this website because I was curious. I’ve always known I was bisexual, but I’ve never been able to actually act on it until now.
“Can I watch first? And then maybe participate? But uh, I would like to keep my camera off if that’s okay?” My voice gets higher at the end of my question, and I wince. I’m fucking thirty years old, for fuck’s sake, and I’m nervous and acting as though I’m fifteen.
“That’s perfectly fine. Whatever is more comfortable for you. Are you ready?”
I squeak out a ‘yes,’ then use my hand to cover the camera until I can move the camera cover over. My eyes widen in shock when the masked man stands up and strips out of his clothes, leaving him standing completely naked on the screen.
“Fucking hell,” I whisper.
There’s something different about the man who showed up tonight. He dropped his camera so quickly I didn’t get to look at him, but his shyness comes through in his voice and it’s captivating.
As soon as he dropped his camera, I didn’t want him to log off. Most of the men who show up during my lives are there for one thing: to get off or to watch me get off. It seems as though he’s not. There’s an innocence about him, or at least that’s the vibe I’m getting.
Stripping out of my clothes, I stand in front of the camera, letting him get his fill of me. Dragging my hand across my bare chest, I flick my nipple, moaning out loud at the sensations that flood my body. From my side, all I can see is a black screen, but I can hear him and it spurs me on.