Page 166 of Heart So Hollow

He gazes down at me with a smile, trailing a fingertip down my breast, “Dirty and polite,” he brushes over my nipple, turning it hard enough to cut glass, “but, no,” there’s a sharp snap as he flicks it, making me gasp in pain, “because you still never answered my question.”

I twist back and forth, trying to rub my bound arm against my breast to quell the sting, “Which one?”

Bowen bows his head and lowers his voice to a diabolical rumble, “When can I breed my whore?”

I stare back at him, my mouth ajar.

A streak of moonlight glints off his black eyes as he relishes my silence, “Bet you’ll tell me if I play with that needy little clit of yours.”

He stands up and steps around me, tugging his jeans back up to his waist. The bed of the truck shifts with his weight and his jeans brush against the soles of my feet as he kneels behind me.

“Maybe I should just decide for you,” he murmurs into my neck as he snakes his hand around my waist and reaches into the front of my shorts. “Goddamn, baby girl,” he moans when he feels how soaked I am, “I’ll punish you every day if it makes you this wet for me.”

Bowen pushes two fingers inside me and pumps them in and out of the slick pool between my thighs. Then he drags his slick fingers up to my clit, making my eyes roll.

“You’re not supposed to be in heat for another—” Bowen pauses and lifts his hand in front of me, rotating his wrist to look at his watch, “week and a half.”

A shiver runs up my back. How the hell does he know when I’m going to start ovulating? I barely know that on any given day. I guess if he has a major breeding kink, he would. But I can’t even respond because he’s slowly driving me mad, touching me in the best way while talking about me in the most animalistic terms.

Bowen starts working my clit faster, “If you like being tied to my truck, maybe I’ll keep you out in Jay’s barn for a few days.” I reach a fever pitch, oscillating between fear and exhilaration as I start to rock against his hand. “I bet he wouldn’t mind,” Bowen continues, pressing his mouth to my ear, “especially if I let him watch.” He reaches up and squeezes my throat, pulling me against his chest. The fear is screaming to be heard, but his agonizing touch keeps it at bay, “He thinks you’re real pretty,” Bowen drawls as he drags his lips across my shoulder. A moan escapes between my labored breaths as I feel the orgasm nearing, “Would you like it if Jay watched me fuck you—if he told me how to get you pregnant? By the end of it, those pills won’t do you any good.”

My breath catches as the rush approaches, but Bowen pulls his hand away and the pleasure dissipates, “Bowen…” I let out a groan and my head drops against his shoulder.

“You should know by now,” he growls, “I decide when you’re allowed to come. And I’m nowhere near done with you tonight.”

There’s a snap in the woods nearby, followed by a pop, and my eyes dart over my other shoulder. As if it matters—Sasquatch could be out there watching me, but I’ll never see it in the black on black of these woods.

Bowen’s tone softens at my reaction, “Are you afraid of the dark out here?”

“Kind of,” I mumble, “I’ve never been out this far.”

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t leave you in Jay’s barn,” I feel his jaw tense against my temple as he smiles, “I’m not a total monster.”

“Is that the only reason,” I ask, pressing my forehead into his neck, “because it’s dark?”

“No,” he starts circling my clit again, making my breath catch, “he’s my guy, but I don’t trust that motherfucker that much.”

“But—” I stammer as I start grinding against his hand, “but you’d let him watch?”

He dips his fingers inside me, coating his fingers again, “I’d let him watch you come all over my cock and then laugh when he can’t do anything about it.”

“You’re sadistic,” I roll my ass back against his groin, “fucking sadistic.”

“So, I’ve heard,” Bowen murmurs in my ear, “but if you really want to be scared, you know there are stories about werewolves in these woods?”

My eyes flutter open as he strokes my throat up and down. When he sees the curiosity in my eyes, he grins and starts working my clit faster, sending electrical currents down to my toes.

“A long time ago,” Bowen breathes down my neck, “there was a string of murders, which is a big deal out here. All young women, found in the woods, and torn apart by an animal too big for anything around here. Then, some people over in Hellbranch started seeing something on their property. They woke up one night and saw it, said it was a huge dog man with pointed ears that walked on two legs. One of them shot it, swore they hit it, but it ran off…””

The tension compounds and I can feel the orgasm building again as he slides his fingers into my pussy, dripping and aching for him to finish me. The sound of his deep voice recounting nightmarish creatures in the woods drives me right up to the edge, but he senses it and abruptly stops, destroying the pleasure again.

“Bowennn…” I exhale, arching my back against him in desperation.

But he ignores my discomfort, waiting however long he deems acceptable before sliding his hand back to where it left off, “After that, the kids were attacked by something in the woods. They stumbled out the other side, screaming and covered in blood, but they survived. And then, all of a sudden, the murders stopped. People said they got ambushed by a werewolf and killed it. Then the cops waited ‘til dark, went into the woods, took out whatever it was, and covered the whole thing up. So, you might be afraid of coyotes now, but you won’t be if you ever hear them go silent. When the deer disappear and the woods go completely still, you’ll be praying to hear those coyotes then.”

The snaps and cracks echoing all around us put me on high alert, but only make his touch that more torturous.

“Bo…” it comes out as half whisper, half whimper.