Page 126 of Primal Mirror

“No, I just fed her.” She’d done so sitting outside in the sun, under the wide canopy of an aerie tree.

No one had minded, smiles shot her way. Because she lived in a changeling pack, and breastfeeding a cub was nothing monumental on which to offer comment. Auden was still shy enough to use a shawl but her baby would grow up as wild and free as Jojo—who’d run naked through the closest stand of trees only the other day, while doing a warrior yell.

Three other equally naked cubs had followed, all of them echoing her cry.

Auden loved the thought of her child whooping it up after the assured ringleader of the cubs.

“But,” she added when Kit’s face fell, “I pumped more milk for later that’s in the infirmary fridge. You can ask Finn if you can do her next feed.” Because tonight, Auden was going out on a date with her mate.

Not only that, but she had, as of today, a full bill of health. Signed and sealed.


Remington Denier was about to be pounced on by a very sexually frustrated woman who he’d managed to rouse to fever pitch night after night with his kisses and his stroking and his petting…and those oh-so-sexy words he purred in her ear.

Tonight, Auden intended to ride him to oblivion.

* * *

• • •

REMI almost swallowed his tongue when he saw Auden walking toward him. He’d asked her to meet him at the cabin. It had felt right that they’d consummate their relationship—at fucking last!—in the place where they’d first met.

Her hair was a halo of curls lustrous and lush that reached her shoulders, her lips plump and wet with gloss. And her body. “Fuck.” It came out a croak.

She was wearing a little dress of shimmering bronze that ended high on her thighs; in between, it hugged every curve and scooped down to expose the upper curves of breasts lush and heavy. She’d paired it with ankle boots that allowed her to walk on the forest floor while around her neck dangled the gold chain he’d gifted her.

A gold chain with a tiny lock as a pendant.

A sensual and private game between mates.

“Hi, handsome,” she said, coming to stand with one hand flat on his chest. “You clean up gorgeous, but tonight I want naked.” A hint of heat on her cheeks. “Lots and lots of naked.”

Smiling at her playfulness, he stroked his hand down to lie on the curve of her ass, and drew deep of the intoxication of her scent. “I want to eat you up,” he growled.

“You did that last night.” She ran her fingers down his black button-down shirt, which he’d paired with black pants. “Today, I get your cock.”

That was another thing. His mate was a fast learner in bed, and had figured out that dirty talk from her drove him insane. Especially because she blushed and got all flustered in the aftermath.

Like now, her eyelashes lowering as she glanced down, and her feet doing a nervous movement.

Affection twined with lust, his adoration for her absolute. “You can have whatever you want,” he said, “but first, how about I feed you the delicious meal I’ve put together for you?” He nuzzled at her, running his hand up her thigh and to the edge of her dress. “This dress is so short you can’t bend over in front of anyone but me.”

“I sat on your jacket while driving up,” she whispered, undoing the buttons of his shirt. “I’m not wearing panties.”

That was it. Remi only had so much endurance.

“Food can wait,” he said and, fisting his hand in her hair, shoved up the hem of her dress to cup her between her thighs.

Her curls pressed into his palm, her flesh liquid silk in readiness. Growling into her mouth, he worked one finger into her and felt her clench. She liked this. He knew because he’d done it two nights in a row.

One finger. Then two.

Getting her ready for tonight, for the much bigger, thicker intrusion into her body. He’d intended to go slow, take it easy, but she was pushing his shirt off his shoulders and moving on his fingers and kissing him all over his chest, and Remi needed to claim her more than he needed to breathe.

Removing his fingers from her, he threw her over his shoulder and spanked her exposed butt lightly as he carried her into the cabin. “You are messing up all my plans once again, Ms. Auden Denier.”

Because she was a Denier now, as was Liberty, Scott a name that was tainted in Auden’s eyes and that she didn’t want to claim for either of them.