Venom was too experienced to show surprise. Walking across, he politely inclined his head. No bow, because Venom was a senior member of Raphael’s court. “Archangel Marduk.”
“One of the new creatures,” Marduk murmured. “Created after my time. But with droplets of my bloodline in you.”
Venom held the gaze of this new member of the Cadre, the nictitating membranes of his eyes sliding across then back at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. “I was Made by Archangel Neha. She Sleeps now.”
“Two archangels at one time.” Marduk’s smile was of a predator pleased. “My line is strong.”
The idea that he might, in some convoluted way, be related to Neha made Raphael’s head spin. But if there was a blood connection, it was so far distant as to be lost in the mists of time—except for Marduk’s ability to sense it.
“Thank you, Venom,” Raphael said after it became clear Marduk had satisfied his curiosity.
“Sire. Archangel Marduk.”
“So the Legion spoke true,” Raphael said as the vampire left the roof. “There were no vampires in your time.”
Marduk shook his head. “I Slept after they were first made. I did see the change, but it had nothing to do with me. I was the last of my kind, a sentinel whose task it was to cede the world to the new generation.”
“Are we not the same kind?”
A slight smile. “Yes, Raphael. We are... and we are not. One become of the other. As I am become of the ones you call the Ancestors.”
Exhaling, Raphael decided to take advantage of Marduk’s willingness to talk. “How far back does angelic history go?”
“Into the dawn of time itself,” was the answer that told him nothing—and everything.
They stood there in silence, just watching the city. When Venom came up with the food and drinks, he had Janvier with him. The Cajun vampire held a folding table that he set up at speed, before Venom set down the food.
The two left with a stealth that was second nature.
Raphael was sure both would have much to say about Marduk when they were alone, but for now, each kept their silence.
Walking over to the table, Raphael poured two drinks. “Honey mead,” he said, handing Marduk a glass of the drink preferred by many older angels.
Marduk held up the amber liquid to the lights of the city, watching it with the patience of one who had all the time in the world. When he finally threw back the drink, it was with a sigh of satisfaction. “It has not changed since my time.” Going over to the table, he poured himself another, held up the bottle toward Raphael.
Raphael accepted the refill, then watched Marduk pick up a slice of deli meat.
He ate it with a snap of teeth that made Raphael wonder what Marduk ate, and whether he had more in common with Naasir than with other angels. Venom, bring up a tray of meats. Like you would for Naasir, but sear it a little. He didn’t want to insult Marduk by giving him raw meat if that wasn’t his preference.
Marduk was chewing on another piece of sliced cold meat when he returned to stand with Raphael. “I am hungry,” he said after swallowing. “I had forgotten what that felt like.”
“Venom is bringing up more food,” he said. “You haven’t eaten since you woke?”
“It’s taken this long for my body to catch up to this time.” Marduk finished off his mead. “We are not meant to wake from such a long Sleep, Raphael. It is meant to be for eternity.”
“Do you not miss living in the world with your consort?” Raphael’s question had nothing to do with governance and the Cadre, and everything to do with his love for Elena.
Marduk’s smile was a thing alien... and yet, Raphael saw that expression in the mirror when he thought of his guild hunter. “We lived an existence glorious. When we chose to Sleep, we did it side by side, her hand in mine.”
“Does that work? To keep you together?”
“Not for all—but aeclari? Yes.” A meeting of eyes. “You will not lose her to the shift of Sleep when it is your time.”
Raphael’s chest expanded. “Will your consort know you’ve gone?”
“Yes. In a dreamlike way. But if I do not return to her within the millennia, she will wake—and I’m afraid she always wakes in a bad temper, my warrior consort. She is not one for wakings, whether to the dawn or from Sleep. Better I’m back with her sooner rather than later.”