But, expression solemn, he said, “I should’ve never put that burden on you. It’s my duty as their father to make that decision.”
The relief that rushed through her veins was a shock. She’d thought she’d dealt with this, but now that he’d said it, she realized it had been crushing her, the idea of making the wrong call.
“I just need to know one thing,” he said. “Will it give you comfort to have their graves there as time passes?”
“I don’t go often,” she admitted. “I hate thinking of them in the cold earth. It doesn’t fit Belle’s spirit or Ari’s sparkle. I see them more in my memories than I do in the place they’re buried.”
“Then, Ellie, I think we let them fly with Marguerite.” His voice turned gritty. “She’d like that, your maman. So would Belle; no matter how rebellious she got, she still asked for Marguerite when she was sick at night, or when that one boy broke her heart. She’d want to be with her.”
Elena’s throat got thick; she hadn’t known about Belle having a relationship with a boy, or that Jeffrey had known and permitted it to go on. She’d always believed he’d have been too strict.
“And Ari, my quiet, smart, Ariel, she was more my baby than Marguerite’s, did you know that?” A small smile. “She’d come hide in my office when Mirabelle and Marguerite were being ‘extra French’—that’s what she’d say when your sister and mother fought in that impassioned way they both had.
“I kept her favorite soda in my little office fridge, and she’d grab one and sit and do her homework or chat to me, and we’d just look at each other when we heard Belle stomp up the stairs.”
Another deeper smile. “After a while, I’d go up to talk to Belle, calm her down. Ari would do the same with your mama. Those two were equally hot-tempered, but their temper passed as fast, and one would soon apologize to the other. They never could stay angry with each other.
“My Ari was such an integral part of their life, our life. We can’t have her, but Belle and Marguerite can. I think Ari would want that. She was always the caretaker, wasn’t she?”
Elena nodded jaggedly, not fighting the tears that wanted to fall. “Yes. I think it’s the right decision.” Jeffrey might’ve made the tough call, but she could see from the way his shoulders eased at her words that they mattered to him.
“I’ll start the planning when Gwen returns my phone. It’ll take time to get the necessary permissions.”
“Don’t push yourself.” Elena used her hands to wipe off her face. “We want to do this right—and I need you standing strong beside me for that.”
“When I’m released from the hospital, then.”
“I’ll take that.” Able to see that he was tiring, she spoke quietly, telling him what else had been going on in the city. She also snuck him a couple of pieces of interesting stock market news—as per Marcia, the genius behind their shared blood café empire.
Her father’s smile was slight but real as he slipped slowly into rest.
Elena wasn’t expecting the stir at the door, the whisper of wings. She glanced up already knowing who stood there. Never would she mistake the sound of his wings for anyone else’s. “What are you doing here?”
“He is your father, but you are my consort.” Raphael put his hand on her shoulder, his fingers curving to cup her neck. “How is he?”
“Better.” Leaning her head against his thigh as he stood beside her, she felt the tension leave her body. “Why isn’t the entire ward in an uproar?”
“I spoke with the head nurse before my arrival, asked her to arrange it so the corridors were as clear as possible—she let me in via an emergency exit.”
He stroked her hair.
“What’s Marduk doing?”
“A great impression of a gargoyle above Times Square. He thinks it’s the greatest show on earth.”
Elena’s lips twitched. “He definitely created the Legion.”
“No doubt.”
The two of them stayed by her father’s bedside, talking now and then but otherwise just being until the nurse who’d let Raphael in popped her head inside to whisper that things were going to get busier in the next hour.
The older woman’s tone was as competent and as businesslike as the tight black curls she kept cropped close to her skull. Not even a hint of being awestruck by the presence of the Archangel of New York.
Elena wasn’t surprised. After spending so much time in the hospital, she’d learned that nurses—especially ones as experienced as this one—were just built differently.
“Thank you, Dionne,” she said to the forty-something woman. “My stepmother should be coming in a couple of hours to have breakfast with Dad.”
“We’ll look after him until then,” Dionne promised with a smile, her accent rich with the rhythms of her birthplace of Ghana. “I’ve already told him I’m going to tattle to Gwen if he tries to wrangle, bribe, or buy a phone off anyone.”