When Elena went to visit her father in the predawn hours—after a solid six hours of sleep—it was to find him wide awake, the room lights muted but not off. “You’re late,” he said, sounding more like the father she’d known for so long—except for the edge of worry in his eyes.
“Things have been happening.” She put down the bottle of cold water she’d grabbed from the vending machine. She knew he hated the tepid water provided by the hospital. “Have you heard?”
“Gwendolyn refuses to give me back my phone,” was the gruff answer. “Says I’ll start working all hours again. And the television in this room is broken—I have half a suspicion she did something to make sure I couldn’t watch the stock market reports.”
Elena would’ve expected acrimony at Gwendolyn’s actions, but her father’s voice was calm, even a touch amused. “She knows you.”
“Yes, she does.” An affection in his tone that she’d never before heard—but, then, they never spoke about his relationship with Gwendolyn. “So, what is it that’s happening?”
Elena told him. And had the satisfaction of watching his eyes flare behind the clear lenses of his gold-rimmed spectacles. “How can he be an archangel with wings and a face like that?”
“You wouldn’t ask if you stood next to him. The power that pulses off him is like Raphael’s, like Caliane’s.” Death barely contained.
“Is he...” Jeffrey tapped his head.
Trust her father to ask that question. “Yes, he’s fully sentient. He just doesn’t look like the angels we’re used to seeing.”
She considered whether to share the next bit... but whatever else he’d been to her, Jeffrey had never once betrayed any of her secrets. “The mark on Raphael’s temple, it’s linked to Marduk. According to Marduk, they’re of the same bloodline.”
Jeffrey took time to think that over. “Ellie, do you ever find your head struggling with the concept of time as seen by immortals?”
Elena grabbed the bottle of water and unscrewed the cap. “Here, have a drink before it gets too warm.” She needed a minute to think.
Jeffrey didn’t argue, an infrequent event at the best of times.
After he’d had enough, she recapped the bottle and put it aside. “Yes,” she said to his question. “But what I struggle with most is knowing that all the mortal people I love will be gone while I live on.”
The harsh lines of Jeffrey’s face softened in a way subtle but as obvious as a neon light to Elena. “Poor Ellie. We’ll all leave you.” There was no sarcasm in the words, only a genuine sadness. “I’m sorry for that, azeeztee.”
Jeffrey had rarely used that term of endearment even when their family had been intact. It had been Marguerite who’d used the affectionate term she remembered from her own devastated childhood. But he’d done it often enough that his statement took her back to a past that could never again exist.
She couldn’t speak.
Jeffrey closed his hand over hers. “I’m happy you’re immortal.”
She jerked up her head. “What?”
“One of my babies will live forever,” he whispered. “It doesn’t make up for losing Mirabelle and Ariel, but it gives me a little peace.” He squeezed her hand. “Beth and Amy both have children, pieces of them to be carried into forever in another kind of immortality.
“My wild Eve is like you—I never know which way she’ll turn, but she’s vivid and stubborn and has so much life yet to live. But you, my Ellie, you’ll live into eternity. The comfort I feel... you have no idea.”
Unable to articulate her thoughts—not even knowing what her thoughts were—Elena just nodded, then nudged the conversation in another direction. “Have you decided what you’ll do about succession?” The two of them had already spoken more than once on this subject.
“Amy’s Maynard is the best option to succeed me as CEO. He’s proven his mettle even further during my illness.” Jeffrey sounded cool and clear. “He’ll receive compensation at a level commensurate to his position, with performance bonuses built in; but I’ll be leaving the company in equal parts to my children. Gwen is in full agreement.”
“No, Ellie.” He held her gaze, his own flinty. “I know you don’t need it, but you’re still my child. I’m not going to cut you out of your inheritance. I might not have given you a lot in life, but I can give you this.”
“I really don’t need it,” Elena insisted. “I have more money than I know what to do with.” Forgetting anything else, the hunt that had brought her into contact with Raphael in the first place had made her rich beyond any mortal’s wildest dreams.
“I won’t budge, so stop arguing.” Jeffrey kept hold of her hand. “I need to give you this.”
Seeing on the monitor that his pulse was starting to accelerate, she decided to just nod. When the time came, she could honor his wishes by holding on to the shares he bequeathed her, but using the dividends to set up a trust for the children of the family. Perhaps for education.
The truth was that this, having an actual conversation with her father, was far more important to her than any financial inheritance. “I’ve been thinking about your question about Belle and Ari.” Even as she brought up the topic, she was half expecting him to reject the subject, pretend they’d never talked about this.