“Archangel.” The squeaky voice had him turning to face a tall and curvaceous vampire who held a tray in trembling hands. Her skin was golden brown, but her face bleached white with fear. “Cold drinks. Food.”
“My thanks.” He drank the entire glass of ice-cold juice that held little black seeds, but waved off the food after placing the glass back on the tray. “I will eat later.”
Nodding, the vampire began to back away. Her pulse skittered in her throat.
To this woman, he wasn’t the angel Sam called Rafa, or the lover Elena tangled wings with in the skies. He was nothing but a blinding voice that had exploded inside her head. He’d done that on purpose. Now everyone in the area knew that an archangel was in residence—and that he was not pleased.
His anger was no facsimile. It was born of his desire to be with his consort. He wouldn’t get to do that for however long it took to sort out Qin’s mess. In the meantime, the rest of the Cadre were turning their territories inside out in an effort to locate any historical references that might relate to the Mantle.
Given the latter, it made sense that Raphael was one of the two archangels set this task. His territory was young, had no buried archives of which he was aware. Aegaeon, in contrast, was based in a land ancient and was chomping at the bit to return there.
“But I’m already here,” he’d snarled. “It’ll go faster if I just do what’s needed than if we ask one of the others to travel to this territory.” A curt nod. “Fly hard. Fly fast.”
They’d parted on those words.
This Minjarra just had the bad luck to attract Cadre attention when every archangel in the world was stretched to the limit. Patience wasn’t in short supply; it simply didn’t exist.
Especially not for those who might attempt to steal power.
“A promise to care for animals,” Raphael murmured, staring at the horizon. “An odd excuse if not true. But it does give him plausible reason to be in areas he shouldn’t be in.” Simply because the squadron leader hadn’t caught him in insurgent activities didn’t mean they weren’t taking place.
Movement on the steps leading up to the roof.
The vampire who appeared on the rooftop seconds later—just under the deadline—his dark, dark skin flushed with heat and shining with sweat, and his body clad in a chocolate brown suit paired with a white shirt, his hair thick and dark, was a surprise. He didn’t meet Raphael’s eyes with the arrogance of a man who thought himself better than an archangel.
Instead, he went down on one knee with every appearance of sincerity. “Sire,” he said. “Is it true? Do you lead us now?”
Raphael blinked—for that had been hope in Minjarra’s voice. “Rise.” He kept his voice cold as he tried to work out if he was dealing with a clever predator—or if Atu had made an uncharacteristic error, while the squadron leader saw true. “Why ask such a question when you know it is Qin who rules this land?”
Getting to his feet, the vampire finally met Raphael’s gaze, managing to hold it long enough to say, “Archangel Qin has abandoned us.” His jaw worked, his gaze dropping. “I know it is an act traitorous to say that, but how can I not?”
Fisted hands, new heat under his skin. “He hasn’t been in these lands for two long years. The only reason we are holding together is because of the experienced and respected senior angels once under Archangel Astaad’s command—but we don’t have the full complement. Many died in the war.”
Once more, he met Raphael’s eyes, his own holding a plea. “I’ve done my best to maintain stability, but I’m not meant to do so on my own. General Liyanage was the angel I called Commander, but he fell in the war. I’ve been waiting these many years for a replacement.” The words poured out in a passionate, angry rush.
As if they’d been building and building to explosion point.
“Have you been in touch with General Atu?”
“Until he stopped responding to me,” was the brusque reply. “He told me to know my place and not question my archangel.” He shoved his hand over his hair. “Atu is smart, but he was too loyal to his archangel, didn’t care to see flaws. We—all of us in this land—have learned to rely only on each other.”
Raphael considered the devotion in Atu’s expression at the door to Qin’s private study, the way the general’s voice had shaken. “I hear of your encroachment on this estate—an archangel’s estate.”
A hard swallow, the vampire glancing down. “Yes, I am guilty on that charge. But Lady Mele nurtured many old or injured or orphaned animals on this land, animals she ensured were looked after with love—but the majority of her keepers lost their lives to reborn, and Lady Mele couldn’t return here after Archangel Astaad’s fall.
“The animals began to die or attack each other in desperation, for the squadrons have no idea what to do with them but kill. I put together a team to care for them—and yes, the team and I do encroach into lands we shouldn’t to do our tasks. To be fair, the squadrons watch us, but haven’t acted against either me or my keepers with violence.”
Raphael now had two competing narratives on the situation, with his instincts telling him Atu had steered him wrong. Whatever the truth, he’d find it—a stronghold had many eyes; it was just a case of asking the right person the right questions. “Gather the angels and vampires with whom you say you’ve been working,” he ordered Minjarra. “We meet tomorrow night at your residence.”
“Sire.” The vampire bent in a deep bow before retreating from the roof.
Frowning, Raphael was about to move on to another matter when it struck him that he was leaving a valuable resource on the table. He took out his phone and initiated a visual call.
The woman who answered had a lovely oval face with skin of rich brown framed with hair of soft black. She’d lost weight in her grief, her eyes dark pools of sorrow. “Archangel Raphael.” Mele’s voice was quiet but welcoming. “Is all well?”
“Yes, Mele,” he said to this woman who had been a huge part of Astaad’s life. “How are your sisters of the heart?” he asked, using the term Elena had told him Mele used for her fellow members of the harem.