Olistaire snickers and speaks again. “I swung by the office to see if you wanted to go to lunch. Imagine my surprise to discover you gone.”
“Don’t you ever work?”
“That’s what my staff are for. So, are you coming?”
“Can’t. Ella—” I press my lips together and clear my throat, before continuing forcefully, “Miss Davisand I are meeting with Gyklos.”
“Sounds romantic.”
“Can I help you with something, Olistaire? Or is your sole goal in life to irritate me senseless?”
“Why don’t you let Ella,” he says her name smugly, clearly teasing my slip up, “finish with the cyclops on her own? Or is she as horribly untrustworthy as you feared?”
“No,” I say reluctantly. “She’s… She’s good. At her job.” I clear my throat again and scowl, and my feet pick up their pace. “Even if she is irritating.”
“Ah, you see? She’s a trustworthy professional. You can stop worrying, let go of the past, and ask her out on a date already.”
“Goodbye,” I snap, hanging up to the sound of his amused laughter as I continue my loop around the grounds.
Why can’t I find a single moment of calm anymore?
I run a hand down my face as I walk. I’ve felt tense for the last two days, my nerves strung tighter than usual, and it bothers me—it bothers me that I’m so affected.
I told myself never again. That I would never again let a female come between me and my peace, and yet here I am, decidedly unpeaceful.
All I did was spend a night with Ella. A fantastic night, one I hadn’t wanted to end. But the fact of the matter is that she didn’t want a repeat, and that’s that. So why should my chest still tighten at the scent of her?
Why should I be dreaming about her, remembering the feel of her soft skin against my fingertips, her body pliant and willing beneath mine? Why should I want so much for her bright blue eyes to meet mine heated with something more than just anger? Even now my cock stirs as I remember the breathy sounds she made, the way her face melted with desire and her eyes rolled in pleasure as I made her come again, and again, and again…
She was sensual, she was willing and eager, and she was…she was affectionate, that night. I’d craved that, more than I’d realized. And I’d thought I’d felt a connection. I’d wanted her with such intensity, it had made me question the routine, complacent sort of happiness I’d had with Morgatha all those years prior.
But ultimately…
I stop walking, shoving a hand over my eyes and squeezing at my temples before letting out another aggravated breath.
Ultimately, it’s been much too long since I’ve orgasmed with something other than my own fist, and it’s muddling my senses. Orcs aren’t supposed to go this long with only one night of passion to tide us over. We’re carnal creatures, we revel in the physical, and I’ve been pushing against my body’s base needs for too long.
As my feet pick up beneath me once more and I make my way back towards the portable office across the clearing, I make the conscious decision to try and keep away from Ella and move on from this whole thing.
After all, she’s good for business, even if she’s no good for me.
Chapter 7
It’s Sunday evening, and I’m exhausted.
What a week I’ve had. Not only have I been scrambling to get myself acquainted with my new office and their processes, getting to know the staff while avoiding constantly squabbling with Rhokar, and organizing everything as we prepare to clear and begin excavation for the lower levels of the lodge—I’ve also been juggling organizing my home and trying to get it ready for my babies.
I haven’t had a breather since the moment I arrived in this town.
My furniture arrived mid-week, and although everything’s been put into the correct rooms, not everything is in the right place, or even put together. I have dismantled furniture, couches and tables shoved into the same corner, and some rooms are still piled high with half-opened boxes and mess. My ensuite and bedroom is set up, and the kitchen is finally sorted after chipping away at it slowly all week—but I haven’t had time to cook or use it even once. I’ve been surviving off Lunchables and microwave dinners all week.
I finished hooking up the laundry and organizing the living room on Saturday and then spent all afternoon in the small yard, cleaning the patio and weeding the patches of grass out front and back.
And now, on Sunday evening, it’s finally time for the twins’ room, and the spare room downstairs which I’ll be turning into their playroom.
My back is sore, I’ve got dark circles you can see from space, and every line around my eyes is heavily accentuated on my dry, exhausted skin. But I’m nearly done organizing the space, and although I could probably sleep for fifteen days straight, something in me feels lighter knowing everything that I’ve gotten done so far. I’m one step closer to being prepared, and to finally bringing my babies into their new lives. While I’m excited, there’s also an undercurrent of dread, it’s a small town and as soon as my twins arrive then Rhokar’s going to know. I have to tell him about his kids, and I will…when the timing is right.