“How far along?”

“Six weeks.”

“What? How could you wait so long to tell me—”She takes a deep, slow breath, and tries to compose herself.

“Also,” I start, before immediately getting interrupted.

“There’s still more?”

“Yes, um…well, it’s twins.” I take a big gulp of burning liquid to settle my nerves.

“Twins?” she squeaks.

“There are two gestational sacks. I’m having fraternal twins.”

“That’s…good-bad news?” she says with a confused, scrunched, wildly emotional expression. “That’s scary-great? Oh no, congratulations?”

I sigh and flop back into the couch, resting my now empty mug on the arm rest beside me. “I don’t know how to feel, either!” I moan.

“Are you…well, I don’t know how to say this nicely, so…are you going to keep them?”

I cover my face with my hands. “I want to. I’ve always wanted a family, you know that. But ever since Peter and I didn’t manage it… Ever since he left me because I couldn’t conceive, I—”

“Yes, yes, you’ve sabotaged all other relationships so that you don’t ‘waste another man’s time’ while disregarding your own happiness and dreams—and settled instead for climbing the corporate ladder until you’ve become one of the most sought-after project managers in the state, all the while still craving a family of your own but lying to yourself about it.” I groan into my palms, marveling at my sister’s ability to sting me with her words without actually offending me. “Get to the part where you finally gave the sexy green war god a chance to see if this might actually be your happily ever after.”

I groan again, louder, and keep my palms over my face.

“You didn’t call him?”

“I can’t!” I moan, and finally drop my arms. “I don’t have his number. I don’t know where he lives. I don’t even know what industry he works in. All I have is what I assume is a nickname—Rho. Fat load of help that is.”

Now it’s Grace’s turn to moan as she, too, flops back against the couch, although Lucas thankfully keeps suckling away in her arms. “Ella, no, he asked you for your number! How could you betray me like this?”

I snort as I look back at her, all disheveled and in despair, with one boob out and a distraught look on her face as if she’s more heartbroken than I am. “We didn’t exchange numbers. We had a, um, busy night. And I snuck away in the morning before he woke.”

“Ella, nooo…”

“I know, Grace.” I look away, pursing my lips again. “For once in my life, I regret it. Because—because I’m going to keep my miracle babies, of course I will. I’ve been dreaming of this all my life, wishing for a family with all my might. But now I can’t find the father. What will I do, google ‘Rho, orc, seven foot tall professional in suit’?”

“Well, you can try, but you’ll probably just get some Big Daddy Orc Looking For Love ads and a few kinky websites with green schlongs.”

“Oh my god, stop.”

She giggles and I mirror her amusement, but we both fall back into a serious sort of quiet pretty quickly.

“I’m scared, Gracie,” I admit quietly. “I’m about to be forty, single, and with no experience with kids. Mum and dad are old now, I can’t lean on them. What if there are complications with the pregnancy because of our differences? What if his babies are too big for me? I’ve looked it up and orc babies are huge, I’ll probably have to have a C-section, and my brain has been looping through every possible medical issue that could come up ever since I found out. Did you know that orc gestation is ten months long? But how long will it be with me? I can’t find anything online about what to expect with half-orc babies. Mixed human-fae births are rare enough that I’m struggling to find any information at all. I’m panicking, I can’t do this alone—”

“First of all, you’ve got me.” She says firmly, interrupting my negative thoughts. And staring at her determined face, I feel my panic ease just a little. “I’m alwaysgoing to be there for you. And if you can’t find your orc, then he’s just your lucky sperm donor, and you’ll be the best mixed-species mom in the world. You can even stay here if you want. Whatever you need, we’re going to do this together.”

“I couldn’t intrude on you and Brad.”

Grace looks away suddenly. “Brad has been…he’s not at home much anymore, he’s practically always out looking for work. You’d only see him at night, you wouldn’t be in the way.”

I notice the disappointment in her eyes and try to lift her spirits. “I mean, that’s a good thing though, right?” I’ve tried not to give my opinion since Grace seemed happy with his company while she worked from home, but I’d always thought he needed to do more. I’d never seen him do anything but occasionally play with Lucas. “If he’s finally going to get a job so he can help with the finances…”

She shakes her head. “It’s been six months and he still hasn’t found anything, don’t you think that’s a bit odd? And he’s been acting weird, I…I don’t know, it’s probably just in my head.”

I bite my lip and reach for her, and she sighs, before forcibly perking up.