My parent’s house smells like childhood.

No matter how long I’ve been living away from home, or how often I visit, the unique blend of orcish spices, lilies, and pipe tobacco always has a soothing effect on me.

I smile faintly as I lounge at the kitchen table, watching my mother gushing with joy as she needlessly rearranges the flowers on the counter, although I suspect she simply needs something to do with her hands.

I just made all her dreams come true, informing her of my Fated Mate and the twins in one breath. I’m pretty sure she’s going to faint, if she doesn’t get a hold of herself.

“Khara, dear, why don’t you sit down?” Dad says mildly from where he sits on the opposite side of the table to me. “You’re going to fall over.”

She spins away from her flowers and faces us with the widest grin stretching across her dainty tusks. “Sit down? At a time like this? Oh, I’d just die. I need to move or else my heart will explode.”

“Mom…” I manage in a vaguely exasperated tone, although I can’t help the way my own smile stretches at her antics.

“Oh, Rhokar!” She flutters across the kitchen, grabbing my face between her fingers and shaking it. “How could you keep this from me?”

“I didn’t—”

“Oh of course you didn’t know, you great big lump of a boy!” She throws my face away from herself as if it isn’t still attached to my shoulders, and turns to Dad with her hands on her hips. “Just like his grandfather. Working with this woman for a month, and I’ll bet he didn’t even realize it was Fated until two days ago!”

“I won’t be taking you up on that bet,” Dad replies with a smirk in my direction. “I don’t like to lose.”

I huff. Well excuse me.

“And grandchildren,” Mom exclaims, as if she didn’t even hear Dad, which I’m pretty sure she didn’t. “I have grandchildren! Two of them. Just wait until I tell the Longspears, Jahka is going to wet herself.”

She rushes towards the sink and begins to furiously wash the dishes, muttering excitedly to herself.

“So, when can we meet them?” Dad asks me after a few moments, and although his manner is still as mild as ever, I can see the happiness shining in his eyes.

“Well, actually, if you’re free right now—”

“What?” Mom cries, soap suds flying across the kitchen as she whirls around. “Now? Right now? Of course we’re free, just give me five minutes to find my coat and fix my hair!”

“But I should warn you,” I tell Dad, to the sound of Mom clattering around as she rushes out of the kitchen, “I’ve told Ella that I’ve recognized us as Fated, but she’s…hesitant.”

Dad’s brows furrow over his smile, but he only watches me and waits for my explanation.

“I…” I clear my throat, feeling shame threading through me. “I haven’t been the best with her. I’m trying to change that now, but…”

His eyes gentle and he leans across the table, giving me one firm pat over the back of my hand. “It’s alright, Son. You’re a good male. You’ll figure it out.”

I rub the back of my neck. “We’re not a couple. So don’t…make any assumptions.”

Mom pops her head back into the kitchen, looking worried now. “She doesn’t want you?”

“She didn’t say that,” I clarify, clearing my throat. “But she didn’t say she wanted me, either. I’m still working on it, so—”

Mom storms suddenly across the kitchen, grabs my face angrily, gives me a wet, forceful kiss against my forehead, and then throws my face away again and storms back out, muttering, “What am I going to do with him?”

I huff, and Dad sends me a rueful smile. “It’ll be alright.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket with a call, and when I see it’s Ella, I can’t help the way my lips twitch into a smile as I answer.


“They’re gone!” Her voice is frantic, fearful, and panicked, and with those two words alone my entire body tenses and all expression falls from my face. “The twins, they’re—they’re gone, Rhokar! They’re not here, we were in the park, and they were playing and—” she breaks off in breathless sobs. “I can’t see them, I can’t find them anywhere.”

Cold dread trickles down my spine, and I find myself slowly standing from my chair. “Where are you?” I whisper, and my entire world laser focuses to the sound of her voice through my phone.