I sigh and lean back against my seat. Alright, I’m getting up. I’m coming for you, babies.
It’s been more than wonderful to have them back in my arms again. Suddenly, I have all the energy in the world to cook a simple dinner every night again to make sure my little ones are getting all the nutrition they need.
I’m just on the cusp of standing when my phone buzzes with a text, andIdo not hope suddenly and fervently that the orc plaguing my thoughts is on the other end of the message as I snatch it up. That’s not what goes through my mind, not at all.
I unlock and check. It’s Rhokar.
I tell my stupid heart to shut up and stop beating so frantically at the fact that he’s finallymade a move to reach out after four freaking days of silence.
I tap open the message slowly, pretending to myself that I have zero desire to rip through the motions as quickly as possible. It’s a short, simple text.
Meet me at Bitter Sweet.
A deadpanned expression falls across my features, and I stare. After all this time, thisis what I get? A five-word demand for a coffee date?
I drop my phone back on the table.
“Meet me at Bitter Sweet,” I huff in the deepest, most mockingly stupid voice I can manage. “That’s all you’ve got to say? You freaking…orc!”
I glare at my phone, lift my chin, and then carefully begin to pack away my things. Let him sit on read, the jerk.
A few seconds later, my phone buzzes impatiently again, and I grab it with a roll of my eyes.
Today, after work.
“Yeah, I gathered that much, genius,” I mutter to myself, and still refuse to respond as I clip my way across the office, head held high as if he was here to see my attitude.
When my phone buzzes for a third time I don’t need to unlock it, since the screen hasn’t even had time to power off yet.
Do you know where that coffee shop is?
“Okay, fine, I’ll respond, you impatient alphahole,” I mutter as I lock up, but I get another buzz before I even pull out the keys.
They close at seven. Don’t dawdle.
“Oh, my god!” I cry, hitching my handbag higher and starting to respond, before dropping the keys in the mad juggle between bag and phone. By the time I pick them back up, there’s another buzz.
I’m on my way to pick you up now.
I start typing my response with another eyeroll, before he explodes and Hulk-smashes his way through town to come get me.
I’m picking up the twins from daycare. I’ll bring them with me. Wait for me there.
I push open the white-washed wooden door to Bitter Sweet with my hip, and roll the twins in on their stroller backwards. I’ve already caught a glimpse of Rhokar at the back, in his suit, holding a coffee cup in his hand, one ankle crossed at his knee as he waits.
But I look away quickly and pretend that I haven’t seen him as I maneuver the stroller, taking a steadying breath.
Why am I feeling nervous?
A millisecond later he appears at my side, a hand pressing lightly at the small of my back. “Do you—”
“Jeez, Rhokar!”
“—need help with that?”