“One emotionally constipated orc isn’t worth losing a job over.”
“Oh, well, yeah that’s…”
“I’m just going to pull up my big-girl pants and get to work tomorrow with a can-do attitude, no matter how immature or unnecessarily volatile my new boss is.”
“I’m not going to let him get to me. I’ll prove my worth as an employee, and then I’ll continue my life just fine in this beautiful town. I can always find a new job as soon this project is complete, and I’ve fulfilled my professional obligations.”
“Uh…” Nib lets out an awkward chuckle, before flashing me two thumbs up. “Yay?”
I nod decisively, and pull out my card to pay. “Thanks, Nib. You’ve really helped me put things into perspective.”
Her wings twitch as she smiles, before she squeaks out, “You’re welcome?” and hurriedly mops down the bar top in front of me.
Chapter 6
Forty-seven minutes.
The workday started forty-seven minutes ago, and I’ve been surreptitiously watching Ella through my office windows, trying to ignore her sweet scent curling its way through every crack in my door and into my lungs. For forty-seven minutes.
I feel my bottom lip twitch in irritation against my tusks, and I drag my eyes from her to stare at the same page on my screen that I’ve been re-reading for forty-seven god-cursed minutes.
With a jerk I stand suddenly from my desk and stride out, finding myself moving silently to stand behind Ella.
To check on her work, I tell myself firmly. Obviously, to check on her work. Got to make sure she’s as good as she claims.
She has blueprints and plans spread over the table before her, and a spreadsheet on her screen that she intermittently types into before turning back to the papers. Her dark hair is pulled into a low bun today, and I find my eyes drifting down to trace over the graceful curve of her neck.
“Jeez!” she exclaims suddenly as she swivels on her chair and catches sight of me, her hand shooting up to press against her generous chest in surprise. “What are you doing!”
“I could ask you the same,” I say with a glower and a pointed look at her screen, as if I was spying on her work and not eyeing her throat.
Her eyes narrow and she takes a moment before responding tightly. “I’m doing my job.”
I stare her down silently, and she lifts her chin.
“I’m reviewing—”
“You didn’t think to get caught up on the project yesterday? You had all day.”
“Yesterday, I was—” She cuts herself off, takes a breath, and settles her hands demurely in her lap before speaking again with more calm. “I was with Leona, touring the office and learning how things function here. Then we visited the work site so I could get a scope of things there and see what I was working with. It took some time for me to get acquainted with everything, and to organize my workspace both here and at the portables on site.”
“So you did nothing,” I say with a disappointed sigh, finding a strange thrill in the way her eyes light with fire at my response. “Is this what I can expect when I’m not around to keep an eye on things?”
Her lips purse and she doesn’t respond, and I fold my hands behind my back and look out across the office, only to have every single one of my employees’ eyes immediately dart away from us and back to their screens.
My irritation flares, and I snort.
“And today?” I ask Ella, who seems to be fighting with herself to remain calm. At least I’m not the only one affected by our interactions.
“I’ve got this under control, sir,” she says instead of answering me, and a frisson of electricity shoots down my spine, straight to my cock.
“Don’t call me that,” I snap, curling my fists in an effort to reign in my control.
“Mr. Strongarm,” she amends without inflection, and my fingers loosen. Somehow, her deadened tone upsets me. She shouldn’t be saying any part of my name without emotion. It feels wrong.