“Thank God,” Bennet exclaims. “These four saps are too busy feeling each other up to play and I’m tired of going against the computer.”
“You know I suck at Madden,” Aiden hollers back.
“That’s why I like playing you.”
“No, thanks. But I met one of your new teammates at the library, and I bet he’d be up for a game.” Aiden hangs up his coat and steps out of the foyer. And all at once, we get a clear view of the guy trailing behind him. “He just got picked up in the transfer portal. Guys, this is Damien.”
Every last bit of color drains out of Bennet’s face as he stares, seething, at our new teammate.
The silence is so thick, everyone seems to freeze in place, as if the temperature plummeted. I actually feel Jagger shudder on my lap as we all wait to see what Bennet and Damien will do.
Sensing Jagger has an opinion on this, my eyes shift to his.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking? He arches a brow.
Hell, yeah. I bob my head. This season is gonna be hella interesting.
Extended Epilogue - Jagger
“Holy shit,” I mutter as we follow the attendant through a maze of tables draped in pristine white linens, each one holding a placard boasting the name of the athlete it’s reserved for.
Cam squeezes my hand twice, the version of love you we exchange when it’s not the right time for words. But since it can also mean I’m proud of you, we’re in this together, or holy shit, I’m guessing he’s just as awed as I am.
I’m actually surprised he hears me at all over the persistent hum of the several hundred conversations taking place in this backstage green room. Yet, he’s so in tune with me, it’s possible he felt me think that. Either way, I’m grateful for his reassurance.
We follow the attendant, leading us past a “press” area where the commentators from various stations will fill the air time between the announcement of each team’s pick, and I recognize a few retired players who are now going to be talking about me and my skills after my name gets called. It makes my stomach somersault so fast I nearly stumble.
“Breathe, Kitcat,” Cam’s soothing voice rumbles behind me, and I pump his hand twice to let him know I’ve got this. Mostly.
“Here we are,” the attendant stops at a table with five plush chairs arranged in a half-circle around the centerpiece with my name, Jagger Robinson.
It’s surreal to see my name in the fancy gold lettering, like I’m some sort of VIP. Fuck, it’s surreal to think anyone knows my name at all. Yeah, I’m good at catching a ball, but the idea I’m good enough to be sought out by a pro team… That I could be paid to do it for a living… Mind-boggling.
Cam’s parents give me a hug before they take their seats, which chokes me up a bit. In a lot of ways they raised me as much as my own mom, and now that I’m dating their son… I couldn’t imagine being here without them. And my mom—who busted her ass to give me the world after my dad left—I just hope I can do the same for her one day. Soon.
She pulls me in tight, crushing me against her petite frame, and whispers how proud she is. When she breaks away to take her seat, I catch her wiping tears from her eyes, and the sight brings wavering unshed tears to my own.
“You can’t do that already,” I tell her. “I haven’t even been drafted yet.”
“But you’re here,” she squeaks. “That alone is worth some happy tears.” She kisses my cheek and sits next to Cam’s mom, leaving the last two seats for me and him.
Cam pulls out the chair next to her and gestures for me to sit. It makes him seem like he’s playing the role of the perfect gentleman, but really he’s just doing what he’s always done, taking care of me. I have to admit, I like the gesture, especially since he looks so gorgeous doing it in the custom suit that matches mine.
After I’m seated, he folds his big body into the chair next to me, and immediately clasps my hand in his, tucking them away into his lap. It’s sort of clammy, the only sign that he’s freaking out just as much as I am, so I give him a tight smile when he catches my eye.
Tonight is just the beginning. We've promised each other that, but it’s still daunting since I have no idea what that beginning will entail. What state will we be in? How long will I be there before Cam can follow? Where will we live? How much will I see of him if he isn’t working for the team, an idea he continues to think is unlikely but I refuse to let go of.
Yeah, we’ve got every intention of staying together, but what will that look like after tonight? I wish I knew.
“Were the matching suits too much?” Cam looks around the room, taking in some of the flashy outfits the other guys are wearing, like crushed velvet or necklaces full of so much bling you need sunglasses to look at them.
I glance at our heathered blue three-piece suits, which can skew sort of gray depending on the light, noting how the slim fit accentuates both of our physiques. Between the color and the style, we look sophisticated, and even though we’re not, it’s cool to pretend we are for a night.
Shaking my head, I bring his hand to my face and kiss his knuckles. “Nah, these are classic. We look good.”
“But matching? Maybe I should’ve gone with a different color so you stand out more.”
“Camelot, the world may see us as two different people, but I see us as one. Matching suits were the only acceptable choice.”