“Good.” I close the distance between us, melting into Cam’s lips like they can breathe life itself into me. Hell, they probably do considering I’ve never felt more alive, more at peace, than I do when I’m with him.
“I love you, Camelot.” I whisper into his mouth.
“I love you too.”
He cups the back of my head, tilting it so he can kiss me more fully, but pulls away when the sound of feet pounding on pavement rushes us like a rogue wave.
“Did it work? Is he out of here?” Liam asks.
“Next bus to New Mexico,” I confirm.
“Hell yeah.” Bennet raises an arm to high-five us. “Don’t fuck with Dickstick and BG.”
I wince as Cam’s eyes squeeze shut, both of us realizing our predicament. “You just had to repeat that, didn’t you?” I mutter to Cam.
“It’s not my fault sound carries,” he protests. “Besides, they’re at the cheap roadside motel with us, so…”
“So, now I have nicknames for you two.” Bennet winks at us, clearly proud of himself.
“Hey, no worries. What happens here stays here, right?” Aiden shoots Bennet a pointed look as he tries to make peace.
Bennet holds his gaze for a beat before kicking the ground and muttering, “Fine. DS and BG. Final offer.”
“And you can never divulge the origin of those names, right?” Cam presses, assigning our own rule about nicknames to Bennet.
“I’ll take it to my grave.” Bennet makes a cross that looks more like an ‘X’ over his chest.
“Honestly, the origin of DS doesn’t sound so bad. Plus, it’s true. For me, anyway.” Cruz looks at Liam adoringly.
“Us too.” I draw an imaginary line between me and Cam. “Must be something in the water at the house. Three of us tried dick and never went back.”
“Those two were together before we moved in.” Bennet points at Liam and Cruz in turn.
“Eh, semantics,” I taunt him.
“Don’t jinx me, DS,” Bennet warns.
“How would it be a jinx when I’m suggesting it’d be the best thing that could ever happen to you?” I hold my hands up innocently.
“I… You weren’t…” he sputters.
“I’m just saying the five of us are clearly onto something. I’m sure we could find you a nice dick if you want to know what you’re missing. The sex really is epic.” If Bennet hadn’t seemed curious after he saw Cam and I kissing at the bar I wouldn’t press, but my gut tells me he’s starting to ask the same questions I was asking not too long ago. And speaking from experience, I think he’ll like the answer if he’s brave enough to take the first step.
“No straight-shaming,” Bennet points an accusatory finger at me.
“He’s not shaming, he’s just pointing out there’s a reason sex between two guys gets so loud.” My boyfriend backs me up. He must’ve picked up on Bennet’s curiosity too.
“I’m not… There’s still a dicks stay in the pants outside the bedroom rule, no matter what’s in the water. And your grace period on excessive noise has officially expired.” Bennet gives me and Cam a stern look before stomping away. I guess his questions haven’t hit the serious stage yet.
Everyone mutters their agreement, and even though I nod solemnly–I’m really not trying to upset him–I whisper to Cam, “Bet we could pull off a shower fuck.”
“Don’t see how he could complain about that since the shower would wash away all the evidence,” he whispers back. “As long as we keep the screaming down.”
“Think we can?” I bite back a hungry grin.
“Only one way to find out.”
Epilogue - Cameron