Page 85 of Beautifully Devoted

“I told you not to be sappy.” I swipe at a tear that I can’t blink back fast enough.

“It’s your fault. You’re the one who gave me a nickname with a really deep meaning.”

“Yeah, well… That’s between us you know. I don’t need everyone knowing I’m sentimental and shit.”

Cam tries to smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“What?” I ask.

“The guys are gonna want to know why we weren’t at practice. Liam already asked me, but I said we’d talk later. What do you want to tell them?”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, weighing the pros and cons of telling them about my dad. They’ll be pissed enough to take matters into their own hands, which I don’t want, but if they aren’t aware of the threat they could find themselves caught in the middle of it.

“Let’s tell them the truth. At least that way they can help look out for you so my dad can’t touch you.”

“I really don’t think I’m in any danger, Kitcat.”

“Maybe not, but I meant it when I said I wouldn’t be able to handle it if something happened to you, so I’d feel better if they know to look out for him.”

“Okay, then.” He gives me a long, lingering kiss. “Eat your sandwich. Then we’ll fill them in.”

“Yes, Camelot.”

Turns out, knowing the origin of that name is a turn-on for my boyfriend, so we don’t make it downstairs to talk to our roommates until the next day.


“Your dick better be in your pants,” Bennet barks as he walks into the kitchen and finds Jagger glued to my back as I plate our eggs.

“I’m groping his pecks, not his junk.” Jagger gives my chest a final squeeze and accepts the plate, licking his lips as he sniffs the savory seasonings I used. “Thank you, baby.”

Cam gives me a quick kiss as Bennet snorts, which is drowned out slightly by the fridge clanking shut as he leaves the room.

“I thought we had a no sappy nickname rule.” I try to sound annoyed when I’m really not. I have no problem being his baby.

“I have a no sappy nickname rule. You can implement one for yourself and I’ll call you Camelot, or you can let me have my way.” His green eyes are bright with mirth, and even though I know that’s because he’s feeling proud of himself for being so shifty, I’m proud to be the one to put him in this playful mood.

“Call me whatever you want, Kitcat.” I nip his bottom lip and take my plate into the living room where the rest of our roommates, plus Aiden, are gathered.

There’s only one open chair—Cruz bought another one but Aiden’s in it—so I sit in the empty recliner and pull Jagger onto my lap.

“See?” Liam gives Cruz a pointed look before his gaze shifts forlornly to our plates. “They eat normal eggs. Why can’t we?”

“You’ll thank me when we’re fifty and you’ve got low cholesterol because we’ve been eating egg whites instead of yolks.” Cruz slings an arm over Liam’s shoulder and pulls him in for a quick peck on the forehead.

“If bland food doesn’t kill me before then,” Liam mutters.

“So dramatic.” Cruz rolls his eyes, but he somehow does it in an adoring way instead of an annoyed one.

“Good food is like an orgasm in your mouth.” Jagger points his fork at Cruz. “Don’t deny him that pleasure.”

“Speaking of,” Liam looks between the two of us. “Sounds like you two have been having some kinky fun. How come you don’t have to follow a quiet sex rule?” He pins his gaze on Bennet.

“They get a grace period of a few weeks, same as you two did.” Bennet doesn’t miss a beat as he turns to Aiden. “Still think I have it better here than at the frat house?”

“At least their grace period has an end date. There will never be an end to the parties.” Aiden blows out a frustrated breath.

“You’re not enjoying the frat house?” I ask Aiden.