Page 58 of Beautifully Devoted

As we wait for our turn at the counter, we chat with the people around us about the game when they recognize Bennet. It’s his third year, second as a starter, and one of the top receivers on the roster, so he’s got quite the following. Everyone makes an effort to say nice game when they realize I play too, although I’m fairly certain they couldn’t recall anything specific I did since the line is often thought of as one player instead of several.

That’s cool with me since I actually don’t want people I’ve never met to start talking to me like we’re old friends just cause they saw me on the field.

Early in the season, people are always stoked about our prospects. And luckily, no one has anything critical to say since we just had a big win. Over a mediocre team, but still. It’s amazing how many people have tips when they’ve never played the game or don’t understand what it’s like to play on the field, though that doesn’t seem to be the case today. They all think we looked good in our debut game, and merely want to share how pumped they are for the rest of the season.

All of campus is in good spirits, and even though they’d party anyway since they’re back after summer break, they’re using our win as an excuse to go even bigger. I don’t know why I didn’t connect the dots earlier—too focused on the game, I guess—but a win on the first weekend back means there’s no way we’ll be able to stay in tonight and relax like I’m in the mood to do.

At least we’ll get dinner in peace once we get this food back to the house.

“I thought Jagger had a phone call.” Bennet bumps my shoulder with his.

“He does.”

“Did you tell him to meet us here?” He squints his eyes as he looks toward the front door.

“No.” I regard my roommate like he’s got another head since he’s not making any sense. Then I follow his eyes and see what he sees, standing on the sidewalk outside the front of the shop.

Ever hear that expression your blood runs cold? Yeah, that’s me right about now, because suddenly that weird feeling I’ve had when I thought a scout was watching us makes sense.

“That’s not Jagger,” I say, forcing my voice to work despite my throat wanting to close off.

“It’s not?” Bennet glances at him again. “Sibling, then? I thought he was an only child.” Bennet scratches the bridge of his nose as he stares at the ghost from my past.

“He is.”

It was him all along. What the hell is he doing here?

“Damn,” Bennet chuckles, eyes still on the last person I ever expected to see again. “That’s some doppelganger bullshit. We should take a picture to show Jagger.” He reaches for his phone.

“No!” Bennet’s head whips around when I blurt that a little too loud. “No,” I repeat, putting my hand on his arm to stop him. “We can’t take a picture. We shouldn’t say anything at all.”

Bennet looks me up and down with increasing concern. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re all pale and shit and… Jesus are you shaking?”

“I uh… I.” I reach for my phone, fumbling to pull up my dad’s number from my contact list.

“Cam, what’s going on? Who is that?”

“Next,” the woman at the counter calls.

For reasons I can’t explain, that mundane command snaps me out of the panic that was starting to engulf me, and it’s suddenly clear what I need to do. Stepping forward, I give her mine and Jagger’s order, but before Bennet can add his I lean forward and whisper, “See that guy out front? The one in the leather jacket?”

She peeks around my shoulder and nods.

“He’s kind of obsessed with my roommate here. Number twenty-three’s biggest fan, as he likes to tell us all the time.” I jerk my thumb at Bennet, hoping she’ll recognize him, and when her eyes grow briefly wide, I’m assuming she does. “We’d love to get out of here without having to go past him, have you got a back exit?”

She nods again.

“Excellent. We’ll just wait over there.” I point to a spot next to a sign that says Employees Only and move aside so Bennet can give his order.

When she rings up the total, I give her several bills and tell her to keep the change, then pull Bennet to the side as I hold my phone to my ear, ignoring the fact he’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Dad.” I lean against the wall when he answers, allowing it to hold me up since my initial adrenaline is starting to wane. “He’s here. Jagger’s dad is here.”

Bennet’s eyes bug out, then narrow as he tries to puzzle it out in his mind. Jagger hasn’t told them about his family drama and it’s not exactly my place to say anything, but special circumstances… Fortunately, Bennet stays put, waiting for me to finish my call.

“Has he found you guys yet?” my dad asks over the phone.

“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure he’s been watching us for a few weeks now, but he hasn’t approached us.”