My heartbeat ticks up a notch as the little circle spins on the screen, every second stretching into an eternity.
Come on, come on. I will the page to load.
Cam’s results were posted over an hour ago—they must grade in alphabetical order or something—and while we usually score similarly since we study together there’s no guarantee I got the same high marks he did. And the wait is killing me.
When the dashboard finally comes into view I click on the test results, whooping aloud as I spot the A next to my name.
Fuck yeah!
The musculature test in anatomy wasn’t the hardest I’ve ever taken, but it was still a bitch, and I’d been worried whether I did well enough to keep my A in the class, particularly since my preparation for that one was pretty unorthodox. It worked—I pulled up a memory of using Cam’s body to map the origin and insertion of a leg muscle, then had to ignore a semi for the rest of the test—though I didn’t know that particular study method would turn out okay at the time. I was just horny.
Since I got an A though, I see no reason why I can’t do it again. Maybe even without the studying part, since we don’t have another test until the final, and I could use another epic release.
Yeah, I admit it. Sex, or sex stuff, is better with Cam than I ever could’ve predicted.
Great, here comes that semi again.
It takes all my willpower not to go help myself to his shower, which I can hear running on the other side of my bedroom wall. Just the thought of him as naked as he was the other day, hard cock poking away from those sexy abs, maybe with a little water cascading down them, has me chubbing up.
It’s possible I’m getting a little hooked on dick sex, particularly the growly, hungry vibe that comes with it. I mean, when Cam moaned so deep and low while my cock was in his mouth, I swear I felt my balls vibrate. It might’ve been the single hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. And I haven’t even got to the part that started me on this hamster wheel.
The magic button.
The key to hands free orgasms.
The prostate.
I used to tease Cam about how I’d be the top between the two of us if we ever hooked up—something I never thought would come to fruition as recently as a few weeks ago. Now, not only have I engaged in sexy times with a dude, but I’m considering being fucked by one instead of doing the fucking.
The water shuts off, and my mood instantly deflates as I realize I’ve missed my chance to join in.
That’s maybe not a bad thing. Of the two times we’ve screwed around, I’ve been the one to initiate both, so maybe it’s time to let Cam take the lead. I don’t think that fucker gets as horny as I do, though. I’m always the one to instigate when we hook up with girls, so it’ll probably fall to me to do it when it’s just us. Although, I thought he’d be more interested in exploring this shit, seeing as he’s the one who’s been interested in dicks for years.
Speaking of, the image of his face when he was sucking me off, totally blissed out, is literally imprinted on my brain.
That’s the kind of reaction I expected him to have about all of this, and even though I’m the more excitable one between the two of us, he should like…help himself if there’s other shit he wants to try. Throw me down and have his way with me. I wouldn’t care.
He’s such a fucking protector. I’ll probably have to spell that out for him since he’d never just take the liberty. I’ll have to see if I can work that into the conversation somehow without making it weird.
Damn semi. I need to get out of this room before I go full on sex-crazed-creeper.
“What’s everyone doing tonight?” I ask my roommates when I find them in the kitchen. It’s Friday, we don’t have practice until Monday, and while I don’t make a habit of letting loose during the season, even though it doesn’t start until next week, I’m feeling a little restless. For reasons that are obvious only to me.
“I’m thinking Jerry’s,” Bennet says, referencing a hole in the wall spot that doesn’t check IDs too closely so us not-quite-twenty-one-year-olds won’t get turned away. It gets packed during the school year for that reason, but over the summer it’s not so bad. “I’d like to shoot a little stick.”
“I could play some pool,” I agree as I pull out my stash of fruit and veggies to attempt another juice.
“You’re still on this juicing kick?” Cruz watches me skeptically.
“I need to come up with a signature creation.” I start chopping carrots since the juicer seems to like smaller pieces rather than the whole thing.
“Why should anyone take nutrition tips from you?” Liam asks. “I saw you eat the greasiest burger in town the other day. Meanwhile, I can’t even get Cruz to contemplate anything other than grilled chicken. His diet is way stricter than yours. It’s maddening.”
“Trouble in paradise?” I grin and reach for an apple.
“If by paradise you mean the ability to enjoy food, then yes,” Liam says.