Page 41 of Beautifully Devoted

“Why can’t I wear shorts instead of boxers?” Liam grumbles to Cruz.

“Because you’re my boyfriend and I’m wearing boxers,” Cruz says.

“Yes, but these are your boxers in your size.” Liam plucks at the fabric with his thumb and forefinger.


“So, they sort of hang off me and make it look like I have a micropenis.” Liam gestures to his crotch then Cruz’s.

“I know what you’re packing,” I say, and get promptly smacked in the chest by the back of Cam’s hand.

“Why would you bring that up?” Cam scolds.

“So he doesn’t feel self-conscious about his dick. It’s not small, it only looks that way if he isn’t wearing shit that fits,” I answer.

“Easy fix.” Cruz sticks his hand down the front of Liam’s underwear, gives him a little rub, and backs away to reveal his handiwork. The boxers are still big, but less so with the slight bulge Liam’s now sporting.

Liam frowns. “You want me to pillow fight with a hard on? What if someone hits me in the dick?”

“I can give you a pair that holds a cup so you can wear protection,” Cruz offers.

“What if I just do the filming part and you football people do the pillow fights?” Liam asks.

“I thought you wanted to pillow fight?” Cruz cups the back of Liam’s head and gently plays with his hair.

“I do, but it doesn’t have to be on camera while wearing shit that doesn’t fit me.”

“Why is everyone suddenly camera shy?” I throw my arms up, exasperated.

“Because most of us aren’t trying to come up with random content for a sponsor,” Cam says. “Besides, the whole drawing a number thing is flawed. Those two won’t really fight each other if their numbers come up,” he points to Cruz and Liam, “and you can’t have me jump in at the end like I’m defending my title when I’ve never had a match.”

“We can fight each other,” Cruz insists.

“The rules say you hit with full force. Are you really gonna hit him as hard as you can?” Cam challenges.

“He fucks me with full force, so yeah.” Liam winks at his boyfriend.

“TMI,” Cam says. “Also, rough sex is totally different than hard hits to the head. Just saying.”

“What should we do then?” I rest my hands on my hips as I look at my lame roommates.

“Do a battle between boxers and briefs.” Bennet’s brow wrinkles as his words register. “Or boxers and shorts.”

“Battle of the Bottoms,” Liam says, snorting a laugh when his head catches up to his mouth. “Ow,” he snaps when Cruz hits him with a pillow.

“That actually hurt?” Cruz asks.

“No, I was just expecting it to feel more like a pillow.” He rubs his arm, which is a little red where the pillow hit.

“Well, as catchy as Battle of the Bottoms is,” I chuckle, “it’s not all that accurate considering I’ve never bottomed.”

“Battle of the Beefcakes,” Bennet suggests.

“Ugh, jeez.” I wince. “You guys are horrible at this. Let’s just stick with Battle Royale.” I pick up a pillow and turn to the rest of the group. “Since you’re all wussing out, Cruz and I will do it. If you aren’t fighting, get out of the ring.”

“Where’s the ring?” Liam asks.

“The living room.” I draw an imaginary line around the room we’re standing in, which has all the furniture pushed back so there’s an open square in the middle. Everyone retreats to the far side nearest the front door, giving me and Cruz plenty of space to move.