“Hey, it worked for the anatomy test. I aced that shit, and my dick was in your mouth right before then, so there’s precedent.”
I shift him off me and scoot down the bed. “This better earn me an epic nickname, fucker.”
Cam’s sandalwood scent is the first thing I notice when I wake up, only this time it comes from the hard chest I’m using as a pillow, not the sheets on his bed. Which means yesterday wasn’t a dream.
Part of me thought it might’ve been, since I didn’t start my day with the intention of having a boyfriend by the end of it, and I’m pretty fucking stoked to see that it’s real.
I also feel a little bit like an idiot for not realizing Cam should’ve been my boyfriend all this time, but better late than never, I guess. Can’t say I’m looking forward to everyone claiming they saw this coming a mile away. Which they’ll sure as shit do, but fuck it. I’ll take their ribbing if it means I don’t have to pretend Cam is nothing more than a friend.
I’m looking forward to that part of publicly dating someone, actually. Kissing them whenever I want, holding hands, all that shit. That needs to be on the agenda for today. I have to re-stock all my fruits and veggies so I’ll have him take me to Target and I’ll hold that fucker’s hand the whole time.
“You think too loud,” Cam rumbles as he stirs beneath me.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to. I feel the gears in your head turning.” He arches into a stretch, as much as he can with me as a blanket, and sighs. “You gonna tell me what you have in store for us today or do I have to fuck it out of you?”
“That’s an option?”
“I assumed that’s how you wanted the morning to go since your boner is resting on my thigh.”
After swiveling my hips, I realize he’s right, and it takes me a second to process the fact I’m hard and wasn’t thinking about getting laid, but rather holding the fucker’s hand. Now that he’s pointed out my situation, I’ve got a one-track mind.
“My dick is on board with that idea. Let’s do it in the shower. We haven’t tried that yet.”
One super hot—and then ball-shriveling cold—shower later, and we’re off to replenish my stock of produce.
“You have any ideas for that original recipe you wanted to push?” he asks as we park.
“Well, so far none of you have been able to finish a full glass of my juice, so I’m thinking maybe I follow an existing recipe then put my own spin on it.” I come around to his side of the truck and take his hand.
“Makes sense.” He looks at our hands then glances at me. “You sure?”
He gives a noncommittal shrug and matches his steps to mine, giving me another quizzical look when I hand him a basket instead of grabbing a cart.
“I can’t hold your hand if you’re pushing a cart.”
He bites back an amused grin. “I wasn’t expecting you to be all in on the PDA.”
“What’s the point of having a boyfriend if you don’t get the full boyfriend experience?”
Cam looks at me over his shoulder as he leads us toward the produce section. “What’s that entail?”
“I’m not totally sure since I’ve never had a boyfriend, or been a boyfriend, but hand holding and kissing, obviously. Sleepovers. Texting each other all the time. Eating all our meals together. Shower sex.” We stop in front of the apples, and I pick one up to inspect it without taking my hand out of Cam’s. “Oh, and dick pics. That’s a critical part, I think.”
“Why would I need a picture of your dick when I can see it in person?”
An older lady side-eyes us before drifting away with a huff, but I’m in too good of a mood to care. Plus, I think her reaction is more about our topic of conversation than two men holding hands, which I can’t blame her for.
“You need a picture so you can see it when we’re not together.” I put the apple in the basket and select another one.
“We’re always together.”
“You need one so you can see it when I can’t take it out. Like right here. I’d get arrested for indecent exposure if I showed it to you now, but if you had a picture, you could be looking at it while I shop.”