Jagger’s chest presses against mine as he inhales. “Maybe?”
“You said that on a whim?” That wouldn’t surprise me. Jagger’s got this enthusiasm that often leads to him leaping before he looks.
“I said it because it felt right at the time.”
“And now?”
I feel the brief, soft press of his lips on my neck. “Now, I think it might be true.”
“Are you coming out as bi, now?” My restless fingers sift through his hair as I try to suppress a shiver from his innocent kiss.
“I’m not sure what I am. I tried the gay porn thing, and sex between guys is hot. Dicks are hot. But I don’t know if I’m bi. I haven’t looked at anyone and thought to myself I wanted to fuck them. Except you. And I’m not gonna make some big announcement about that, unless you want me to. I’m just gonna be me.”
“Fair enough.”
“What about you?” He props himself up on an elbow to see my face.
“What about me?”
“Are you gonna make an announcement?”
“Why would I? I don’t have the following you do, and I’m not looking to go pro, so I doubt anyone cares.”
“First, you aren’t nearly as curious enough about my dick as you should’ve been considering you’ve liked ‘em for years, now you aren’t gonna tell everyone you’re dating me?” His eyes have his trademark mischievous glint to them, but since they’re staring into mine it’s impossible to miss the uncertainty he’s trying to downplay.
“Am I dating you, Kitcat?”
He tries to smirk, although it’s not nearly as self-assured as it usually is. “I mean, the one and done rule clearly doesn’t apply to you, and I’m lying in a puddle of my jizz that’s gathered between your abs, so…” he trails off.
“You want to be my boyfriend, Kitcat?”
His beautiful emerald eyes peer up at me from under his thick lashes. “I think I have been for years, I just didn’t know it until you kissed me.”
On the surface, that should be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, but when I think of all the memories between us, and the fact that neither of us have even attempted to have a relationship other than the one we have with each other, I think he’s right.
“Yeah, I didn’t realize it until then either. And I will gladly tell everyone I’m dating you, but I have one request first.”
“What?” He cocks his head to the side.
“Can I have a new nickname?” The tentative smile he’s been wearing for the past few minutes falters, so I rush to explain. “You never use it in front of anyone anyway, or you didn’t until tonight, and if I’m gonna have a nickname I want you to use it all the time.”
I don’t add that I hate the name Camelot since I know he thinks it’s brilliant.
“I don’t have another one for you, though,” he says.
“You don’t have to come up with it now.”
“Good, cause all I’ve got now is lover and I’d have to kick my own ass if I ever called you that.” His fingers tease the valley between my pecs as he worries his plump bottom lip. “Fine, I’ll think on it, if it means that much to you.”
“Thank you.”
“You know what would help me think, though?” He twirls a finger around my nipple.
“I’m afraid to ask.”
“If you clean off my dick with your tongue,” he continues like I didn’t say anything at all. “That would get the blood flowing.”
“In the wrong direction,” I snort.