“Kitcat, did you hear what he just said? How will a video of us affect your sponsors? Or your draft prospects? You might have to make a statement or something.” My best friend goes from flushed to white as a sheet faster than the speed of light.
“Do you know who recorded it? Maybe they’ll give me a copy and I’ll post it with a comment that I kissed my best friend, and I liked it.” I waggle my brows at Cam, hoping it’ll loosen him up since he’s clearly worried about me.
As usual.
I love that about him, although I feel a little bad about putting him in that position on a semi-regular basis. But as far as us kissing goes, I’m not concerned about this having any consequences. After all, Cruz is openly dating a guy and it hasn’t cost him anything, so I’m sure the same will be true for me.
“Be serious, Kitcat,” Cam implores with wide, round eyes. “Two guys kissing on video is different than just saying you’re with a guy.”
“Yeah, it’s hotter. Besides, Cruz is with a guy, and it didn’t affect him any.”
“Cruz didn’t have a massive social media following when his love life went public, and there wasn’t any video evidence. Plus, he finished last season as the highest rated tight end in the country as a freshman. He’d have to get arrested or something for his draft stock to drop. You’re a top receiver in our division, yeah, but you aren’t that untouchable. This could still impact you, and not in a good way.” He scrubs a hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have tried to shut Anna down by kissing you.”
“You totally should’ve cause it was fucking hot. Besides, I told you to. After you asked, no less.”
“What the fuck are you two talking about?” Bennet interrupts. “You guys didn’t say a word to each other that whole time. You just started sucking face.”
“It’s an eyebrow thing.” I wave a dismissive hand in Bennet’s direction. “He asked, I said yes, and here we are. And we weren’t sucking face, we were fucking with our mouths, you said so yourself. Seriously though, did you see who recorded it? I’d love a copy.”
Bennet’s eyes take a quick tour of the crowded room. “Some older dude. Dark hair, leather jacket. I don’t think he’s here anymore.”
Cam grunts beside me, and I pat his chest to calm him down, feeling hundreds of eyes on my back as I do. “Easy, Camelot. You don’t need to go confiscating phones. If the guy posts it, I’ll tag myself in the video.”
Let people talk, look, whatever. I give zero fucks what they think.
“Camelot?” Bennet rolls his eyes, and I do my best not to wince. “Now you’re doing the nickname thing too? Are you sure last week was the first time you fucked?”
This is the first time in over a decade I’ve let anyone hear me call Cam that.
“The nickname isn’t new, I just don’t use it much,” I tell Bennet. “And no, I’m not going to tell you where it comes from.”
“No need, it’s pretty self-explanatory,” Bennet says.
“Told you.” Cam smacks my bicep with the back of his hand, which I choose to ignore since A-we’re in public and B-he’s wrong.
Instead, I face Bennet. “You know what they say happens when you assume something?”
“You make an ass out of you and me.” I point my finger between the two of us to emphasize my point, but both he and Cam bark out a laugh, assuming I’m making a joke instead of a correction. Whatever.
“Why last week?” Bennet asks us.
“What?” Cam says.
Bennet pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, shaking his head slightly. “Jesus, swapping spit makes you two dense. Why was last week the first time you fucked?”
“Didn’t think I liked dick before.” I shrug.
“So, what? You wake up one day and decide to try one on for size?”
“He walked in on Liam and Cruz and got a glimpse of what the prostate can do,” Cam explains.
“And?” Bennet turns his inquiring gaze to me.
“I may never go back to straight sex.”
“It’s that good, huh?” Bennet chews on his lip.