Page 87 of Drift Would

He had heard it while the decisions regarding his brethren had been made.

It was the same type of decision. The Cancris, his female’s adopted kind, were being slated for the humanoid version of decommissioning.

Drift projected it would be no less horrific than the cyborg version.

He and his female and their team would stop that from happening. The weapon, the Humanoid Alliance’s Cancri B-assigned leaders, and the robots would be destroyed.

According to the databases, all were currently stored within the manufactured mountain.

The Erinomean Green Fire would decimate all of them.

The Cancris elsewhere on the planet would be protected. They would live.

Drift placed all the explosives and headed back to his female.

“What the fuck did you do, you nasty cunt?” The Gacy creature’s voice assaulted his auditory system. “The doors aren’t closing. And why?—”

Gurgling sounds replaced the Humanoid Alliance male’s query.

Drift turned a corner.

His female stood over the male. She gripped a bloody dagger in one of her hands.

A pool of crimson spread around her deathly still Humanoid Alliance contact.

“I know you wanted to end his lifespan, my male.” Her words were meant for his advanced systems alone. “But he was going to sound the alarm. And I couldn’t allow him to do that. That monster wasn’t going to jeopardize the Plan. No fuckin’ way would that happen.”

Drift took the dagger from her, wiped the blade on his body armor and slid it into one of his side sheaths. The weapon fit that built-in holder perfectly.

Because it had once belonged to him. He’d given her the dagger after they’d killed the offspring-threatening males.

It warmed his chest that she still carried his weapon.

“You did the right thing.” He kissed her temple, tasting the salt on her skin.

“There were no problems placing the explosives?” She gazed up at him.

He wanted to replace the concern in her big brown eyes with assurances. “There were no?—”

“No, Gacy won’t give a bovine shit if you watch too.” The voice of one of the exterior guards reached Drift’s auditory system. “He likes an audience when he fucks them. And…where the fuck is he? He said he was taking her in front of the primitives this time.”

“We have to go.” Drift slung his female over his right shoulder.

“And why the fuck are the inside doors open?” the guard yelled.

Fraggin’ hole. Drift ran through those doors, conveying his female.

The guards were standing by the control panel.

Drift drew two of his guns and placed a projectile in each of their skulls. They fell to the stone floor. Their arms and legs gyrated.

But the damage had been done. The taller one had pressed the red button by the control panel.

Sirens wailed. Lights flashed.

Secondary sets of doors lowered.

Drift hauled his ass forward at full speed, carrying his female.