Page 78 of Drift Would

That order was unnecessary. Drift would always take the best of care of his female.

Luam exchanged another emotion-filled look with Drift’s female.

Then he turned and lumbered out of the beverage outlet.

Bubs and his mate, the only other beings left in the structure, had retreated to a back chamber.

Drift was alone with his female in the public chamber.

He scooped her into his arms. “You don’t have to be strong now, my female.” He pressed her face into his body armor-covered chest. “I have you.”

Drift held her as she sobbed. And he relayed the chatter he’d heard.

Her team was aware they would die. They embraced that fate. Their concern was for her. They wanted her to live and to protect the Cancris who would survive them.

The implication of that on Drift’s future was clear. He wouldn’t be returning to the Dauntless. His future was with his female. Always. Forever.

And she was needed on her adopted home planet.

But that was a situation to be addressed at another time.

At the moment, they had to concentrate on their mission. And he had to focus on keeping his precious female alive. He rested his chin on the top of her head and he rubbed her back.

Her emotional damage repaired.

She shifted against him. Seven heartbeats passed. She shifted against him again.

Her movements excited his already inappropriately aroused body.

“What do you need, my female?” He struggled to control his desire.

“I need more…connection, my male.” She peeked up at him. Her big brown eyes glowed. “I need to think about something other than the plan for a while. I need skin-on-skin contact. I need…you.”

Frag. He needed her also. “We’re returning to our modified freighter.”

He carried her through the beverage outlet and out the back doors, moving at cyborg speed.

The Humanoid Alliance, if they were watching the structure with their human visual systems, would detect a dark blur.

Their enemy wouldn’t process they were seeing a cyborg convey his disguised human female. They wouldn’t project he was bringing her back to a safe location. Or that he planned to comfort her with his form, with his kisses, with his touch.

Once Drift arrived, with his female, at the modified freighter, they would breed and breed hard. They would lose themselves in each other.

His brave, strong human, in those pleasure-laden moments, wouldn’t process anything other than him, and her, and their shared passion.

Drift’s lips curled upward.

He secured her tighter against his chest and pushed himself to run faster.


Drift ripped off his body armor as soon as they entered their ship. He juggled her between his big hands while he undressed.

Roshini hurried to strip as expediently, but she couldn’t match her cyborg’s speed. He was naked before she had pulled off her flight suit.

He assisted her with that task. His tantalizingly rough fingertips skimmed over her breasts and hips and thighs. Every not-so-casual touch ratcheted her need for him higher.

“Fates, I want you.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders with her fingers. Her pussy lips pressed against his stomach. Every ripple of his abs caressed her.