Page 75 of Drift Would

Their lips remained fused for three more heartbeats, and then his female ended their embrace.

Her eyes shone with a passion Drift shared. “If you detect danger, signal to me.”

“If I sense danger, I’m slinging you over one of my shoulders and running at top speed in the opposite direction.” That reaction would decimate their plans. But his female’s safety was a much higher priority than destroying a superweapon and killing some Humanoid Alliance leaders.

“You do that.” She laughed as she turned toward her team.

The crowd surrounded his female. But Drift was taller than the other beings. He easily tracked her with his visual and auditory systems.

“Olds.” She grasped both of the weathered Cancri’s tumor-decorated hands. “You volunteered to be stationed at position 251 this planet rotation. Isn’t that the first position the Invaders assigned to you?”

“You remembered that, huh?” The male looked pleased. “Yeah, they put me there, thinking, with my many solar cycles, I wouldn’t last a shift. But I did my time, and now, I’m going back there. We’ll show them why they should never mess with any Cancri, young or old.”

“That’s right.” Another male grinned. “They’ll find that out this planet rotation.”

“They’ll find out Cancris will do anything to protect the beings we love.” Drift’s female’s head dipped. “We’ll send that message loud and clear to the Invaders.”

The beings around her cheered.

She squeezed Olds’s hands, thanked him for his dedication to their kind, and then gently shifted her attention to the next male.

Each being was addressed by name. Drift’s female relayed where they would be stationed. That stressed how vital their specific role in the mission was. And she recited some of their history. The males would have 0.0000 doubts about her processing who they were.

With her communications, his female increased the probability their deaths would be good deaths. She ensured they all felt valued and important and seen.

Drift’s chest expanded with pride.

He stood alone by the vat with his arms crossed in front of him and his booted feet braced apart. Cancris moved around him. Some glanced in his direction.

But no one approached him.

That changed after his female finished chattering with Hut. That male moved through the crowd. He headed directly toward Drift.

Drift lowered his hands until his fingers hovered above the handles of his holstered guns.

Hut had been the first being to shoot at Drift during his introductory visit to Bubs’s Place.

The upcoming confrontation with the male might be equally hostile.

Hut didn’t draw his guns, however.

Instead, the Cancri claimed the spot next to Drift.

Moments passed.

They didn’t speak. Hut didn’t try to interact with him.

Gnuck joined them. “Did you apologize?” He looked at Hut.

“Hadn’t gotten to that part yet.” Hut scowled.

“Right.” Gnuck sighed. He shifted his gaze to Drift. “He feels bad about shooting at you. He didn’t know you were sent by the Fates to protect her.”

Hut huffed.

“That shouldn’t cause him emotional damage.” Drift’s shoulders lowered.

He was glad he wouldn’t have to stun the male. Again. That would’ve emotionally damaged his female, that male’s leader.