Page 49 of Drift Would

“The team is located half a sector away from here.” Only he, Cure and Strike had been authorized to enter the space.

“Then they’re useless to us.” His female shook her head. “They won’t arrive here in time. The weapon will be ready to test again soon, and when that happens, it’ll be heavily guarded. We won’t be able to access it.”

Drift stared at his female. “You’ve accessed it.”

“The testing didn’t fail on its own.” She rolled her eyes.

Fraggin’ hole. His brave little human had sabotaged it.

That was why the noise had stopped. She’d stopped it.

“It has to be destroyed before it reaches that point.” She tapped her simulated fingernails against his body armor-covered chest.

“Cure and I will destroy the weapon.” If his female could access the weapon, they should be able to do the same and then they would blow it up.

“How will you destroy it?” She snorted. “How will you, a newcomer to the planet with no connections, get close to it? Do you even know where the weapon is hidden?”

Drift didn’t have any satisfactory answers to those questions.

And his female must have processed that. “No, we stick to the original Plan.” She relayed that ambiguous decision. “The Invaders will be dealt with, and their weapon will be destroyed. But my team and I will do that.”

“Is your team humanoid?” He projected it was. “Because you heard my captain. The Humanoid Alliance won’t allow their weapon to be destroyed without a battle. Some of your team will die.”

“All of my team will die.” She met his gaze. “We’re willing to embrace that fate to ensure other Cancris live.”

We’re willing to embrace that fate. Cold gripped Drift deep within his frame. His brave strong female was planning to sacrifice her lifespan to stop the Humanoid Alliance.

It was a choice a cyborg would make. And that she contemplated doing that filled him with pride.

His female was a warrior.

But it also made his circuits freeze with terror. He couldn’t lose her. Not now. Not ever.

“Your plans will have to change.” Drift informed her. “Because I’m not willing to allow you to face that fate.” He applied a hard kiss to her forehead. “You’re too important to me and to the universe.”

“You have no say in this, my cyborg.” She blew out her breath. “The Invaders have to be stopped, and this is the only way to do that.”

“Tell me your plan and we’ll build upon it.” It would serve as a base for a new plan, a better plan, a plan that didn’t require the sacrifice of his female. “We’ll uncover another way to do this, a way that will allow you and most of your team to live.”

She looked at him for one, two, three heartbeats. “And if there’s no other way, will?—”

“There’s another way.” There had to be one. He couldn’t have finally found his female only for them to die mere planet rotations later.

“If there’s no other way, will you allow me to do this?” She lifted her chin. “Will you agree to not sabotage our mission, even knowing I’ll likely die during it?”

“If there’s no other way, I’ll undertake your plan with you.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “You won’t die alone, my female. I’ll be by your side.” That was his place. Always. “We’ll face that fate together.”

Drift would work like a program caught in a permanent loop to craft a happier and more-alive fate for his female.

And he had the processing power and the experience of millions of cyborgs to assist him with that mission.


There’s another way.

Roshini was certain there wasn’t.

She and her team had examined the mission from all different angles over the last couple of solar cycles. And they had found only one Plan that guaranteed the Invaders’ leaders and their weapon would be destroyed.