Page 47 of Drift Would

“And my hair is growing back.” Her fingers returned to those extremely short strands. “This changes everything. And nothing.” Her gaze met his. “I have to meet with Luam.”

Drift assumed Luam was the friend in the beverage outlet. “We’ll debrief my captain first.”

He routed the connection through secured lines. Only an extremely skilled being could intercept it.

“I’m opening communications with him,” he warned her.

An image of his captain appeared on the main viewscreen. The Valkyrie, captain’s genetic match, was seated beside him. Grid and Argot and the other officers were visible behind them.

“I’m adding Cure to this communication, Captain.” Drift looped in his mission partner.

“I’m online.” The medic had no visuals.

“Do you have an update, team?” Captain gazed at Drift through the devices.

“I have visual confirmation of the Humanoid Alliance’s presence on Cancri B, Captain.” Drift sent some images of the two now-dead males over the transmission lines.

“Frag yes.” Grid fist pumped the air.

The other officers didn’t share his excitement over the proof their enemy was active in the sector. They looked as grim as their captain did.

“I’ll relay that intel to Power.” Captain’s tone was solemn. “Do you have confirmation they’re manufacturing a weapon?”

“I don’t have confirmation of that activity.” Drift had his projections but no proof. “I have confirmed Cancri B is a source of a material the locals call monster-maker ore.” He transmitted the specs for that energy-emitting substance. “The Humanoid Alliance refer to it as Belel 6 Uraninite.”

“According to the databases, Belel 6 Uraninite was fundamental in the fabrication of the Humanoid Alliance’s world-enders, Captain.” Choice, their newest engineer, relayed that information.

“It was projected that the exposure to Belel 6 Uraninite caused abnormal growths in those local populations.” Cure’s voice was devoid of emotion. “I have visual confirmation that many of the locals on Cancri B are also afflicted with growths. The sizes and colorings are different than those documented on the other planets. But the biology of Cancris also varies from those other humanoids.”

Drift’s female touched her stomach.

Growths. Tumors.

Fraggin’ hole. Drift’s lips flattened.

His female had suffered damage from the monster-maker ore being extracted by the Humanoid Alliance.

“Is there a repair for those growths?” he asked Cure.

“My contact has fabricated a repair to slow the growth’s progress, and it is effective to a point.” The medic sounded begrudgingly impressed. “But that repair causes its own damage.”

Drift’s female shifted in her seat.

“What damage does it cause?” He sensed her emotional discomfort.

“Hair loss. Fingernail and toenail loss.” Cure responded as Drift had projected he would. “The inability to consume solid nourishment. And once the damage from exposure to the Belel 6 Uraninite progresses to a certain point, even that repair is ineffective. The pain also exceeds the strongest of suppressors.”

Decommissioning wasn’t the most painful of deaths, Drift’s female had said.

Drift reached out and grasped her left hand.

She tried to pull away from him.

He held onto her. “With your assistance, Cure, I project your contact could fabricate a better, more-permanent repair.”

“That can be a secondary assignment.” Their captain frowned. “Our primary assignment is to stop the fabrication of the Humanoid Alliance’s weapon. If we’re not successful with that mission, the locals on Cancri B along with everyone else in the sector will die whether they have growths or not.”

“Yes, Captain.” Drift and Cure responded at the same time.