Page 44 of Drift Would

“Yes.” He roared and drove his hips upward. His eyes went black. Cum jetted from his tip and blasted her inner walls.

Pure ecstasy hit her. She screamed again and clenched around him.

Her cyborg came a second time.

The cycle repeated again and again. She flew higher. Rapture engulfed her. He relayed more of his essence until she thought she’d crash. She felt so good, too good. Her brain couldn’t handle it. She?—

Then that turbo boost of euphoria eased and she glided.

Drift became still beneath her.

She sagged on top of him. It was a hazy, soft landing.

He wrapped his arms around her, securing her in place.

Moments passed.

Her cyborg’s eyes resumed their brilliance. His breathing leveled.

She turned her head and listened to the steady thump, thump, thump of his heart. Even that part of him was more. It was a triple beat, not a single one like hers.

And she was forced to admit to herself…their fuck had changed everything. Her connection to the male had strengthened. She felt as though he was a part of her and she was a part of him.

The fizzing inside of her had also spread. It was as though he was all around her.

The pain had vanished as it had after his kisses. That, she expected.

But it was more than that.

Her gaze met his. “I feel…well.” The pressure in her stomach had dissipated. And her energy had returned.

Cyra would have to confirm it with a scan, but Roshini knew, with a heartfelt certainty, what had happened.

The blasted cyborg had repaired her.

All her tumors were gone.


I feel well.

Those words replayed in Drift’s processors.

He bred with his female three additional times. They bred against a wall, in the captain’s chair, and again on the console. Those experiences surpassed…everything.

Being inside his little human was better than fighting, better than teasing Cure, better than flying, better even than breaking speed records.

And he hadn’t projected anything would ever be better than that.

Breeding with her served a more important purpose, however. It repaired his little human. He breathed deeply. His nanocybotics had multiplied inside her sufficiently that now they would never fade. She would always have that protection.

She would always feel well.

Between breedings, they ate nourishment bars. His female consumed three in rapid succession. She raved about them as though she hadn’t eaten those treats in many planet rotations. He provided her with beverage.

They chattered about ships they had flown. He shared more about the Humanoid Alliance training, the battles he fought, and his brethren on board the Dauntless. She relayed insights about the Cancri culture, the monster-maker ore and other elements of the planet’s terrain.

His female didn’t directly talk about herself or her activities or the beings she associated with. But the warmth in her voice when she mentioned Cancri B and the beings situated on it conveyed a tremendous amount of intel about her.