Page 37 of Drift Would

“It isn’t a line.” He bracketed her face with his hands and locked his gaze with hers. “And I’m not trying to tell you that.” He was completely serious. “The nanocybotics found in my saliva and in greater amounts in my cum will heal you. That’s the truth.”

She frowned. “You sound like you believe that.”

His female didn’t believe that. That was 100.0000 percent clear.

He hadn’t yet convinced her. “Cyborgs were manufactured for war. We, like all warriors, can be damaged in battle.” They had been damaged often. And severely. “Our nanocybotics were designed to repair us. We can share those nanocybotics with our genetic matches.”

“And you can repair other beings.” His female pressed her fingertips against her lips. “You can repair me. Heal me. Somewhat.”

“I can heal you completely.” He didn’t process the extent of her damage. But he would breed with her multiple times, flood her form with his nanocybotics, and that would restore her functionality.

He perused her form.

Though she appeared fully functional at the moment.

“Where’s your damage?” He didn’t want to increase it inadvertently.

“Why do you need to know where my damage is?” His female narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you have to fuck that part of me?”

Drift hoped to breed with every part of her. “My nanocybotics will travel internally through you to the site of your damage. As they are spreading through you right now. There’s no need for me to fuck your damage.” He used her words.

“The fizzing is spreading over me.” She tilted her head to the side. “But it’s also fading.”

“The amount of nanocybotics I transferred wasn’t sufficient.” He captured her lips once more.

His female opened to him right away.

That pleased him. She was learning to trust him.

And she matched him for passion, sucking greedily on his tongue. He felt that tug right down to his balls. His cock strained against the confines of his body armor. Energy coursed through his circuits. His chest vibrated with wanting.

When their kiss broke, both of them were breathing hard.

“Tell me if your pain returns.” He met her gaze. “Don’t endure it silently, my brave little human.”

Her eyes widened and he processed he’d made an error.

“Your brave little human?” She pulled away from him. “Do I look like a human?” She touched one of her orange-hued cheeks. “No. I don’t. So why would you call me that?”

He called her that because it was the truth. “Cyborgs have built-in lifeform scans.” His tone was dry. “I process you’re human, my female.”

She glared at him for five heartbeats.

He didn’t break their gaze lock.

“Oh.” Her shoulders slumped. “I didn’t know that.”

He queried what else she didn’t process. “The Humanoid Alliance also have the ability to run lifeform scans.” It was dangerous for her to assume they wouldn’t detect she was human.

“I don’t normally get close to them when I’m not looking human.” The pigment brightened on her cheeks. “This shift was an exception.”

Drift nodded. “You broke your rule because the males targeted the humanoid offspring.” His female had honor. And courage.

“They would have tortured the boy and killed him.” Her eyes flashed.

“They would have done that.” He’d seen the Humanoid Alliance do the most horrific things.

She studied him. “You do hate the invaders, don’t you?”