Page 36 of Drift Would

His female was protective of her friends.

That earned her his admiration also. “You won’t take me back to your home base. I haven’t yet earned that privilege.” He didn’t expect that level of trust…yet…from his cautious little human. “I’m not leaving your side.” Ever. “That leaves my ship as a safe place to breed. It’s located near the beverage outlet.”

“I’m not fucking you, cyborg.” His female lifted her chin.

She looked so adorably defiant he couldn’t resist her.

He strode up to her, curved his right hand over her nape, and claimed her lush lips.

She tasted like engine lubricant, mineral-infused sand, and decadent female. It was a delicious combination. He sucked on her flesh.

Her lips remained stubbornly sealed.

Undaunted, Drift licked and pulled and prodded.

His female clenched her jaw and continued to block him. Her hands remained on her leather-covered thighs.

She was a delightful challenge, and fraggin’ hole, that excited him. He doubled his efforts, determined to break the seal over her lips.

Thirty heartbeats passed. He began to doubt his ability to seduce his female.

Then a sigh escaped her, and she parted her lips for him. Triumph coursed through Drift’s circuits. He immediately seized the surrendered terrain, stroking into her with his tongue.

She slapped him with her tongue. He chuckled.

That sound was muffled by her mouth.

He coiled his flesh around hers. She twined her tongue as aggressively around his. As they kissed, he felt along her hairline with his fingertips, exploring her.

Her hair didn’t resemble his. It was…mechanical.

Drift growled his surprise. His female was like him. She was part machine.

He embraced that revelation. And he embraced her.

Their kiss deepened. His female’s hands slid up his body armor-clad chest, and his need escalated. A first breeding on a mounted transport would be thrilling. They?—

A lizard skittered past them.

Drift’s female abruptly pulled away from him. “What did you do to me, cyborg?” She touched her lips. “I’m bubbling. And the pain?—”

“Pain?” The fog of his desire cleared with that one word. “You were in pain?”

His fragile human female was hurting. And he projected the medicine she’d tucked in the humanoid offspring’s pocket would have eased her agony.

Yet she had given that relief away. To help a complete stranger.

His lips flattened. His female was generous, strong, brave, and…foolish.

“I’m not in pain.” Her brown eyes glittered. Her low tones relayed that was the truth.

She wasn’t in pain.

Because his nanocybotics had repaired her. Temporarily.

“We’re breeding as soon as we reach the ship.” He informed her. That transfer of nanocybotics would be permanent. “The bubbling you’re experiencing is you repairing.”

“You’re trying to tell me that your kisses can heal me?” She sounded amused by that prospect. “I’ve heard a lot of lines in my lifespan, but that’s the most outrageous one by far.”