Page 31 of Drift Would

Turn around. She silently screamed at the boy. Don’t come this way. Turn around.

“Hey, hey, look what I see.” It was then too late. The shorter male had spotted the child. He nudged the bigger male. “I think we’ve got ourselves a squealer.”

The bigger male hastily pulled up his garments. The fabric in the front was wet. “That thing is definitely a squealer.”

Thing. He called a sweet Cancri child a thing. Like he was an object, not a precious being.

Roshini bristled with rage.

“Stop.” The tall Invader drew one of his guns and pointed it at the child. “Or I’ll fuckin’ shoot.”

“I hope it doesn’t stop.” The other male bounced on the balls of his booted feet.

“Fuck yeah.” The tall male was filled with the same frenetic energy. “But you gotta fuckin’ say the words. It makes the leaders happy.”

The child dropped the container he was carrying, raised his arms and froze in place. “Don’t shoot. I’ll be good.”

“Definitely a squealer.” The short male laughed. He curled his fingers into fists. “Can I have the first hit?”

“No hitting.” The child’s chubby orange cheeks paled. “I’ll be good.” He trembled with fear.

“Fuck yeah.” The tall male waved his gun. “You take the first fuckin’ hit. But don’t kill it right away like you did the last fuckin’ one. I need my fuckin’ fun too.”

It would almost certainly result in her death. But those two monsters wouldn’t hurt any babies on her watch. Roshini reached down and extracted the dagger from her boot.

That was when the cursed cyborg freed her.

Fuck him also.

She’d deal with him later.

The short Invader drew back his fist.

The child’s eyes widened. He whimpered. But he didn’t move.

He was a brave boy.

And she would protect him with her lifespan. Roshini threw the dagger.

Her aim was true. The blade struck the short male in the back of his neck and sank into him up to its hilt.

The male grabbed his throat and gurgled. He turned toward the other male as though seeking his help. Blood streamed between his fingers.

He fell to the pathway. His arms and legs jerked. And then he went still.

The taller male swung his gun toward her. “What the?—”

Another dagger, bigger, wider, faster and harder thrown, pierced the front of that male’s throat. His gun clattered to the pathway. He toppled backward and gyrated.

Roshini looked at the cyborg.

He grinned, handed her another dagger and drew one weapon for himself. The male then glanced pointedly around them as though asking who they would kill next.

Her lips twitched. He was one messed-up being.

Not one to turn down a weapon, she slid his dagger into her boot and sliced her hands through the air. They’d done enough killing for the planet rotation.

The cyborg sighed. And then nodded.