Page 13 of Drift Would

I’m noting it in the databases as a space turtle. Strike modified those shared files.

As their modified freighter approached the large creature, it leisurely lifted its head and stared at the vessel with its big eyes.

Drift rested his fingers on the controls and watched for any signs of hostilities. He prepared to reverse the modified freighter quickly if the space turtle reacted violently.

That caution wasn’t necessary.

The creature blinked once, twice, and then returned to feeding on the asteroid.

It isn’t hostile. Drift said that with 95.2369 percent certainty. But we’re maintaining a respectful distance from it. He flew the modified freighter around the creature.

The space turtle was focusing on recharging its energy levels. That was a vital task. He would disturb it as little as possible.

There has been no change in our environment. Cure studied the creature. It has adapted to open space.

They took more readings. And they recorded every angle of the space turtle. The documentation that Argot had earlier said was lacking now existed.

The creature finally completed its enthusiastic crunching of the asteroid.

It then looked at the modified freighter with a gleam in its eyes.

Drift decided it was prudent to leave.

But the wonder and the awe and the realization they were part of an amazing yet-not-fully-explored universe stayed with him for a long duration after the experience.

They were truly exploring new terrain.

And that was extremely exciting.

* * *

The rest of the journey to Cancri B, by contrast, was disappointingly uneventful.

They detected very few ships en route, and those vessels were easy to avoid.

Several planets were spotted that didn’t appear on any charts. Drift noted their characteristics and location and gave them temporary names like Big Blue 3.0 and Little Green 2B.

Cure spent his time monitoring Drift’s responses and projecting how the space turtle could survive in its unique environment.

The medic also negotiated over the communication lines with his contact on the planet.

That male didn’t want to meet with him.

Which Drift found vastly entertaining. But he didn’t share that with Cure.

Because the medic wasn’t amused. At all.

“He says he’s too busy with patients.” Cure’s voice was devoid of all emotion. “I’m telling him I’m a medic.” He tapped his fingertips against the face of his handheld. “I’ll assist him with his patients.”

There was a pause.

“He now says I don’t know enough information about their cases to assist him.” Cure’s forehead furrowed with processing lines. “I’m telling him I’ll read their case files.”

There was more to beings than their case files. Drift kept that response to himself also.

“He says he doesn’t have the time to explain to me why medics can’t treat patients based on their case files alone.” Cure hunched over his handheld. “I’m telling him if he kept better records, it would?—”

“Stop.” Drift couldn’t remain silent. The medic would anger his contact so much he would never agree to meet with them. “Delete that.”