Page 94 of Drift Would

Fates. She delighted in all aspects of him.

That must have shown on her face because her cyborg’s countenance softened. “My female.”

Now wasn’t the time for chatter. She flicked his cockhead with the tip of her tongue.

His simulated spine straightened.

That had refocused his attention.

She doused her smile and gripped the base of his shaft. Hard.

The muscles in Drift’s thighs flexed against her.

She ever so slowly pushed her lips over his cockhead, past his rim, along the length of him. His veins pulsed against her flesh. He filled her mouth and tapped against the back of her throat.

Roshini’s gaze met her cyborg’s, and she tilted her head back, taking the rest of him.

“Fraggin’ hole.” His eyes widened.

Yeah, fraggin’ hole. Her lips curved around him. She was a cock-sucking deity. And she’d use all her skills, from now until forever, to shift her male’s universe.

She retreated, inhaled and exhaled, advanced, retreated, inhaled and exhaled, advanced.

Drift’s chest heaved. His jaw clenched. His knuckles cracked.

Yet he didn’t move his hips. And his bare feet remained planted on the floor tiles.

That was unacceptable. Her goal was to make him to lose control.

She slapped his shaft with her tongue.

His huge body shook.

She sucked on him. Hard. Then she drew her head back, pulling on his sensitive flesh with her lips.

“Must. Restrain. Myself.” His face twisted. “Can. Can.”

Fates. The male wouldn’t break.

She reached his rim and she nibbled.

“Can’t.” He buried his fingers in her simulated hair, holding her in place.

Her cyborg then drove into her mouth again and again and again. His pace was fast. His rhythm was pounding. He fucked her face with a titillating ferocity.

She curved her fingers around his base and held on. Her grip on him preventing her male from blowing out her throat. But it didn’t stop his balls from smacking her wrists. Or his cock from ravishing her mouth.

And she loved that. She loved him.

He was wild. But only for her. As she was wild. But only for him.

The connection, always present between them, strengthened. Her own need built within her. Her lips hummed. Her cheeks heated.

Roshini gazed up at Drift and dropped all her subterfuge, all her disguises, all her acts.

Nothing was hidden from him. She allowed him to see everything – her desire, her hope, her love. He had earned her trust and devotion. Forever.

She was his. Completely.