Page 86 of Drift Would

And with the explosives.

The Gacy creature didn’t press the button. He authorized the opening of the interior doors.

Drift then deactivated that function.

The interior doors didn’t close. They would remain open permanently.

The explosives in both the manufacturing and the leader sections of site could now be detonated from anywhere inside the simulated mountain.

But that created another challenge that had to be solved.

The Gacy creature would notice the open doors. He’d press the alarm button if there wasn’t an explanation for that malfunction.

Drift’s female had assumed the responsibility for providing that reason.

“You’re going too fast, Gacy.” She punctuated that fake protest with a humorless giggle.

The Humanoid Alliance male didn’t notice her lack of mirth. And he didn’t slow for Drift’s female.

“Oopsie.” Drift’s female deliberately tripped over the threshold.

She wrenched her wrist out of the male’s grip as she fell.

The doors, if they hadn’t already been deactivated, would sense her presence and remain open.

The Gacy creature continued moving into the leader section of the site. His face was turned in that direction.

Drift saw his opportunity to enter the space unseen and dashed forward.

As he rushed past his sprawled-on-the-threshold female, he bent and glided his fingertips along her cloth-covered back.

She quivered.

He stifled a moan.

The physical contact infused both of them with energy.

Their enemy was unaware of their surreptitious interaction.

And, by the time the Gacy creature turned, Drift had found a shadow to hide in.

“Get up.” The Humanoid Alliance male scowled at Drift’s female. “You’ll set off the alarms.”

Those system-activated alarms had already been disabled by Drift.

His soul bellowed to stay by his female’s side and protect her. Danger was all around her. The Gacy creature was a threat to her. And safeguarding her was Drift’s number-one priority.

But the best way to do that was to complete their mission as quickly as possible.

And to trust that his skilled little human could protect herself and distract the Humanoid Alliance male while he was parted from her.

Drift reluctantly left his female where she was sprawled. He navigated the hallways at cyborg speed. Cylinders were placed in ventilation shafts and by chambers. Each site had been meticulously chosen by him and his female to maximize effectiveness.

The Humanoid Alliance males meeting inside those sheltered spaces showed no signs they detected Drift’s presence. They chattered about the robots almost being ready for the fabrication of the second weapon and how they wouldn’t need the primitives anymore.

Then they laughed.

That sound was sinister. And it was familiar.