Page 8 of Drift Would

But she couldn’t tell the medic that. “It’s better for you if I don’t answer that question.”

If the Invaders interrogated Cyra, the female could truthfully tell them she didn’t know who had messed with their precious creation.

“I see.” And she could hear from Cyra’s tone, the medic did see. “There were 212 deaths that I heard about in this settlement alone during that testing. And every pregnant female patient I had went into immediate distress. There are 2 other settlements at the same distance or closer to the site. That doesn’t include the smaller clusters of domiciles. Whoever stopped that testing saved lifespans.”

“Whoever temporarily stopped that testing might have merely delayed those deaths.” When the testing resumed, those beings would die. Either quickly or slowly.

And that was the impact from merely the first weapon. She’d heard rumors that the Invaders would be building additional machines.

More and more Cancris would die until there was none of her adopted kind left.

Unless action, violent action, was taken.

“Then the testing has to be permanently stopped.” Cyra reached that same conclusion. The medic’s gaze locked with hers. “I’m ready when you are.”

“I need time.” The Invaders were looking for the being who had sabotaged the testing. Roshini preferred to wait until they relaxed their guard to strike at them again. “How much of it do I have?”

“You have less time than you previously had.” The medic tapped her fingertips against the surface of her handheld, looked closely at the small screen, scowled and tapped some more. “Assuming the pills are given an opportunity to work properly again—” She frowned fiercely at Roshini. “—and they stop the growth, you should have at least ninety-five planet rotations until you go into the final stages.”

During the final stages, the tumor would be visible. She wouldn’t be able to hide it from the Invaders. And her energy levels would plummet.

Both were needed for the Plan.

“Then we wait for ninety-five planet rotations.” It would give her time to complete all the necessary arrangements.

“We wait for ninety-five planet rotations.” Cyra nodded. Her tone held a sadness Roshini felt. “What will you do?”

“I’ll prepare and organize the others.” They wouldn’t be the only beings making the sacrifice. Driving the Invaders from their planet would require entire teams. “Fly fast. Feel the wind on my face.” She smiled. “And you?”

“I’ll treat as many beings as I can, using the credits a mysterious benefactor left in my working chambers.” Cyra smiled back at her.

“That mysterious benefactor knew you’d use the credits to heal others.” Roshini redistributed some of her portion of the profits from the ships and machinery and other items she stole. She had no need for excess wealth.

“One new message received,” a robotic male voice announced.

Roshini reached for her gun.

Then she stopped.

The clipped tones had come from Cyra’s handheld, not from a living being.

Fates. She felt foolish.

“Your team is all female.” She covered up her embarrassment with gruffness. “Other than him.” She gestured to the device. “You could change the voice.”

“I don’t have the time to figure all that out.” The medic shrugged. “And tech isn’t my thing. Saving lifespans has always been my focus.” She stared at the far wall for one, two, five heartbeats. “I thought I’d prevent the most deaths in this universe by healing the ill. That’s why I became a medic. But it seems my final act will benefit the most beings.”

“Being a medic is necessary for that final act.” Roshini had assigned the second part of the Plan to Cyra, as it required at least one being with healing skills.

The first part would be completed by a different set of beings. They didn’t know about Cyra. And Cyra didn’t know about them.

That decreased the odds of betrayal. And it doubled their chances of success.

“And it will save thousands of lifespans.” Roshini pulled her garments upward and fastened them.

The Plan was her way of making a difference, of repaying the Cancris for opening their hearts and their homes to a scared little girl who had lost everyone she’d known.

It wouldn’t be her first attempt to settle that emotional debt.